

Grab on Don’t let go you will win Hebrews 10: 35-36


Bulldog and two Dobermans

There was a Bulldog pup that lived in a fenced in yard. The little Bulldog was a peaceful little dog that loved to play in the yard. About three doors down lived two Dobermans, they were quite aggressive. Every day they would go by the little Bull dog and harass him. They thought it would be fun to dig under the fence and rough him up a little. That little Bull Dog put a smile on his face when he saw them coming under the fence, as soon as the Dobermans got under the fence, they started toward him. The Little Bull Dog lunged at the first Doberman and clamped his teeth down on the Dobermans ear and wouldn’t let go. The Doberman shook the Bulldog so hard that it ripped a hole in the Dobermans ear, with a yelp he went back under the fence. The Bulldog Grabbed the other Doberman by the hind leg and clamped down, The Doberman was half way back under the fence before the Bull Dog let go.


Grab on Don’t let go you will win

Sometimes in life we must grab on and not let go

1. Your Faith

2. Your Integrity

3. Your Blessing

I ‘m going to hold on to God until He Blesses Me


Text: Hebrews 10:35-36

35 Keep on being brave! It will bring you great rewards. 36 Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what he has promised.

1. Jacob grabbed on and wouldn’t let go until he received the blessing

2. Woman with Issue of Blood.

3. Bartimaeus

4. Shunammite Woman

5. Canaanite woman with demon possessed daughter

B. The blessings of God are Mine, He gave them to me I WON’T LET GO

You need to Hold on to God

1. When everything is wrecking

2. in temptation

3. the enemy is in your face

4. you’re tired

5. You feel discouraged

6. You feel all alone

Are you holding on to God Today?

He wants to hold on to you!

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