
Summary: It is a kind of weather-gauge as to your communion, whether you are proud or humble. If you are going up, God is going down in your esteem. "He must increase," said John the Baptist of the Lord Jesus; "but I must decrease."

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Pastor Allan H. Kircher Associate Pastor Shell Point Baptist Church

NARRATIVE COPY Delivered 2/15/09

How do we really see ourselves? And what do we do to observe ourselves as others see us? Don’t we usually look in a mirror? Have you ever considered that everything we see in the mirror is actually backwards?

But those around us see us as we really are and, most often, when we cannot see ourselves.

The only way we are ever going to be able to see ourselves as God and the rest of the world truly see us, is to train ourselves to step back from ourselves and our pride, and see ourselves as we really are.

In other words, we have to begin to see ourselves honestly, with our good points as well as with our bad points. It is only from this vantage point that we can begin to answer the question, "What is the most valuable component of my life?"


He has shown you, O Man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.

All those years of biker rally’s in my previous life and I ran by biker’s partying and having a good life. I used to think that that was the good life. …..I didn’t even ponder to think about what that life was like……I immediately thought of what Jesus had done for me.

Now I know what is truly the good life... the life of Micah 6:8.

I. The life required of us is the life that is good for us

A. Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10:10) He wants us to live the good life.

Our text shows us that God has revealed to us the character of the good life—it is one marked by humble dependence upon Him and by a lifestyle of sharing His passion for justice and mercy.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full……………………..

There is such sweet serenity when we are in unity, true unity with Jesus Christ.

B. This good life is not the same as “the good life” offered by U.S. culture. The media assail us with pictures of the consumerist lifestyle and label that “good.” But it’s an empty lifestyle. God wants something better for us—a life of substance, a life that matters.

Not a life of old of biker rallies and such, but a life of Christ.

II. These are the Marks of the 6:8 lifestyle..are you in it today?

…………… the end of my three mile jog, I just happened to finish the run at the VA hospital and at the precise moment of sunset…evening colors…. And it was also directly in front of a crowded bus stop. I immediately stopped running when I heard the first note of colors….faced the American flag….and stood stiff at attention for the duration….when the music stopped I began on my way…as I glanced back behind me a lady stared at me with a bewildered awkward look….

Today as humans we humble ourselves before our country and stop for things like taps. (at least the military). Sometimes it may be in an embarrassing place…where some do not understand….

Why can’t we do that with our ever living God? Perhaps get on our knees at a waiting room and pray? Are we ashamed of who might see? Look what God has done for you. Or better yet, feel what God has done for you from your heart.

A. Deep intimacy with Him (“walking humbly”)

I do believe that the more grace a man has the more he feels his deficiency of grace.

The best of men are but men at the best, and the brightest saints are still sinners. it is the very clothing of such a character, as Peter puts it, "Be clothed with humility,"

Be clothed with humility towards one another.

You can get to be as big as you like if you get away from God; but coming near to the Lord you rightly sing,—

"The more God’s glories strike my eyes, The humbler I shall be."

1. This is foundation for a lifestyle of mercy and justice – apart from Jesus, we can’t live that way! (John 15)

The vines and the branches… each other……the world hates the disciples…..

Someone has offered this penetrating comparison of the difference between revenge, justice, and grace.

If someone brutally murders your son and you take things into your own hands, that’s revenge.

If you’re content to allow the law and the courts to arrest and punish the offender, that’s justice.

But if you pardon the murderer, adopt him, and take him home to live with you as your son, that’s grace!

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