
Summary: This is a goodbye sermon with a challenge to be the church and fulfill its purpose

1 Thess 5: 1-8, 12-28 sermon outline

Spencer South Dakota was devastated by a tornado. Among the many losses, including six victims, was St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church.

Thanks giving verse 1

God and Jesus Christ are the primary agents. It is God to be thanked

Verse 2-8

Work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love (labor of love) and

End of the first year balance

Purchase of the sign

We broke ground on the Agape Center

Increase in programming: Growth from one Bible study to five

Saturday morning Women’s BS



Network spiritual gifts

Growth of the Living Nativity

Remodeling of the Cottage

Remodeling of the Chapel

Sale of the pews and purchase of chairs

Outreach: world’s largest banana split, servant evangelism, Katrina Memorial and Service. Facing the Giants movie

Building of the sanctuary: the addition of café tables, remodeling of the foyer or gathering room

Installation of 3 showers and housing of teams

Addition of the praise team

The innumerable special offerings

_____ number of people brought into the church

Your endurance inspired by hope (steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ)-ultimately grounded in Jesus’ return- a catalyst in their lives

Analogy of Ben’s arrival and fixing up the church

The number of times Conference staff members and ministers the Conference recommended that an article be written on PRUMC

Story of youth director at Aldersgate and the Facing the Giants movie

Follow your leaders vs 12-13

Respect and trust

Hold them in highest regard

Everyone a servant- verse 16

It takes a village

Idlers- the word usually refers to someone who is undisciplined, as with a soldier

Everyone a servant

We are only as strong as our weakest link

Seeks their good which ultimately will be good for the body

Prayer- verse 17

Story of prayer and the church sign

Pastor’s prayer partner

Witnessing, sharing your faith by example and word

Your example

Offering grace, living grace

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