
Summary: An encouragement to move forward with the Lord. Learning how to use the past parts of our lives to obey the Lord and be used by Him.

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An Encouragement to Move Forward with the Lord: Learning to Use Our Past to Obey and Be Used by Him

Stand with me, lift your Bible, and repeat after me:

This is my Bible.

I am what it says I am.

I can do what it says I can do.

I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be.

Today I will learn more of the Word of God.

The indestructible, never-ending, living Word of God.

I will never be the same.

I will never be the same.

In Jesus' Name.


Before you sit down, say good morning to your brothers and sisters.

Today’s message is about something many of us have experienced: being behind a fence.

Growing up, I lived in a nice home near a wooded area with many wild animals. We often saw bears and deer. We had a fence in the backyard, and when I moved into my own home, we also had a fence around the property. It provided protection and ensured my children were safe when they played outside.

Here in the United States, many new communities are built with fences or walls around them. Fences can give us protection against many things. We build different kinds of fences in our lives, both physical and invisible.

Some fences are made of wood, brick, stone, or wire.

Others are built out of habits or fears, things we avoid due to uncertainty or distrust.

One of my fences was flying.

I used to be terrified of flying because I didn’t like heights.

But the Lord helped me overcome that fear by sending me on missions around the world to share His love.

These experiences have taught me a lot about getting outside the fence.

Today, I want to share with you how to get outside of the fences you may have built in your own life.

You might think it’s impossible to overcome the barriers you've set up.

But with God’s help, we can.

We need to truly say, “Lord, tell me what you want me to do. What do you want me to learn? How do you want me to step toward accomplishing your calling?”

The way to learn more is simple: ask the Lord to show you what He wants through prayer and quiet time.

I’ve learned the importance of quiet time over the years, though I admit there are times I don’t spend enough time with Him because I get so busy with daily life.

Open your Bibles to Jeremiah 29:11 and say, “Amen” when you are there.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

The chapter goes on in verse 12: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

The hard part is reaching out to Him to find ways to get out from behind the fence and follow what He wants us to do.

We are not all called to drop everything and go to a foreign country to share the Gospel. But there are many things we can do for Him right where we are.

How do I find out what He wants?

I have two ideas:

1. set up a time every day to ask Him, and then listen.

You might say, “I can’t do that. You don’t know my schedule. I have a busy life.”

But we all have moments that we can dedicate to God, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.

We often waste time on our phones or other distractions that could be spent in quiet reflection with the Lord.

Before I took the step to listen to Him, my life was out of control.

I did what I wanted, even though many times it didn’t go as planned.

I avoided Him, thinking I didn’t have the time or wasn’t good enough to include Him in my life. But looking back, I can see the amazing things He has done.

Reflect on your past and what He has taught you over the years.

Think of the things you’ve experienced.

I’ve seen people healed, relationships restored, and lives transformed through faith.

God has a plan for each of us, even if we haven’t been following His direction completely.

You and I are human beings created in His image, given freedom in life, and He may be speaking to you right now about your life.

Are you ready to go beyond the fence?

It sounds good, but how do you start?

It’s easy: ask Him in prayer.

Now might be the time to make a true commitment to Him or to re-dedicate your life to Him.

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