
Summary: There are many people who think that they know when something should come their way, or when they should go through hardships. The truth is, no one knows whats best for us but God almighty, so although we think that our timing is better, give in to God’s

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Gods Casio vs my Rolex

John 11:38-44

38 And again Jesus was deeply troubled. Then they came to the grave. It was a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance. 39 "Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man’s sister, said, "Lord, by now the smell will be terrible because he has been dead for four days." 40 Jesus responded, "Didn’t I tell you that you will see God’s glory if you believe?" 41 So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, thank you for hearing me. 42 You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so they will believe you sent me." 43 Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" 44 And Lazarus came out, bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, "Unwrap him and let him go!"

INTRO: Watching water boil, burping a baby, waiting for my wife to finish cooking dinner. These are all things that take time. We all think that we know what is best for us, or we know when we should have something. The truth of the matter is we do not. Only God knows exactly what we want and more importantly what we need, and he knows what he wants to do in our lives. We have to be ready to accept it. At one time or another I had to do one of the fore mentioned activities. At one point or another I would say to myself, “I really wish this would hurry up!” Why is it that we don’t want to wait? Now, if I was not able to wait for the things of a carnal nature, you are correct in coming to the conclusion that I did not know how to wait for the things of God. The reason why I could not wait was because I had a desire that I thought had to met at that very moment. I had an urge that came upon me, and I wanted to satisfy or get rid of. It is a GREAT thing that God does not go by the same timing that we would want. At times that seems frustrating, and it might even make us angry, or question God. We have to understand that Gods time is on an entirely different scale. There isn’t a legend that you can equate it to. Just know that his time is perfect and ours is not.

This is a weird passage because all of the answers to the “why did?” and the “how comes?” come prior to the key text. So lets dive into it.

Question to answer: How do I recognize, and live through Gods perfect timing?

I. Go directly to Jesus (when problems arise). (v. 20-22)

a. God wants to know that you know who he is.

i. when you don’t know, he will set you straight (v.25)

b. Go to God in reverence.

c. Complain but understand

i. if you have to, then complain to the right people. (v 36 vs 37)

d. Only he can answer the why. (v.4)

II. Jesus knows and he cares.

a. Jesus knows all of it. (Romans 8:28)

i. We only know as much as we are allowed to know.

ii. If we knew it all this would be a scary world. (If God told ME NOW that

I would have my bosses’ job in two years, how would I act.)

iii. What we see as an obstacle Jesus sees opportunity. (v.14)

(i.e. how do I pay these bills? How do I beat this disease?)

b. It is in his hands, and that’s that!

i. Jesus was not in a rush, he knew exactly when to go (v.11)

ii. Jesus waited because he wanted to show his power over death.

c. Jesus fully understands what you are going through. (when he got there)

i. Jesus was moved with indignation when he saw their grief.

ii. Indignation: Anger aroused by something unjust

iii. Jesus was most likely troubled at their unbelief; Frustration

iv. While troubled, he still felt their pain (v.35)

III. Question: Does Jesus need my help?

a. Answer: NO! Jesus wants you to do your part. (there is a difference)

b. Jesus wants you to have faith

i. Don’t mistake God’s delay for denial.

ii. Don’t doubt Jesus or his timing.

c. You do the ordinary, and then Jesus will do the extraordinary.

i. Jesus specializes in things impossible.

ii. Jesus could have easily said:

a. Stone roll way from the entrance of the cave (they did it)

a1. We have to do something to show Jesus our need.

i.e. Fasting, Praying, making sacrifices

iii. Jesus TOLD Lazarus to come forth.

iv. Jesus told them to unwrap him after he came out.

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