
Summary: We can bring good news to a people who desperately need to know who He is! This is not about church membership, or joining a religion, but about eternity because God has given us the only path to forgiveness through His Son, Jesus.

2024 Christmas Series – Part 4

Sermon 4 – God’s Announcement Brings Joy and Worship

Luke 2:1-15


- Welcome to Seasons! This morning, we continue our series on Advent

-- For us: Advent is the fulfillment of God’s desire to restore a relationship with us

-- Way to remember it: As a wonderful reminder of what God has done for you

-- We celebrate one truth: the arrival of the Messiah, God’s Redeemer, Jesus

- Last week we talked about the importance of:

• The promises of God brings peace, always rooted in His Word

• God’s comfort always originates in His promises; “do not be afraid”

• When God speaks, we must accept/receive the truth in His words

- Christmas is just a few days away, and I can think of no greater story to examine

-- Want us to see how God revealed Jesus’ birth to us and find encouragement!!

- Read Luke 2:1-15

Point 1 – God’s promises are declared for everyone

- Setup: Joseph and Mary were living in Nazareth at the time (vv1-5)

-- Caesar Augustus declared that a census should be taken of all citizens

-- This census forced everyone back to their own hometown (place of origin)

-- Joseph was a descendant of David’s, who was originally from Bethlehem

- Know this: when God speaks on something we have to receive it as a fact!

-- Prophecy in Micah 5:2 (seen this last week), “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant past, will come from you on my behalf.” Micah not referring to David!

-- But, who would have thought God would use a Roman to fulfill His plan?

- For us: When we see God work out His promise, how can we not be excited?

-- It is a very simple truth like this which ought to encourage us today

-- Consider, there were ~450 prophecies filled in the OT about Jesus coming

-- CH: How many do you need to have faith that God’s word is reliable?

- So, while they were there (at the right time) … the baby was born (v6)

-- Want us to understand that this would not have been an “overnight thing”

• First, the journey to Bethlehem was approx. 90 miles (five-day journey)

• Second, the journey would not have been easy (walking 8 hrs. a day)

• Third, the town would have been very crowded (no lodging available)

-- This would require their need to find a place to stay; even an old barn will do

• Fourth, they were there for a bit, this census would have taken some time

-- While they were waiting, Mary would have reached full-term NOW …

- I love that the announcement of His birth was not given to the rich/powerful

-- God sent an angel to proclaim to society’s lowest … men living in fields!

-- These men would be the outcasts of society; very poor and menial jobs

-- Consider: they babysat farm animals through the day and night … that’s it!

-- APP: Gives great hope/confidence that in my own probs, God is concerned too!

- IMP: These men are the first to hear the Gospel preached by Heaven’s choir

• As they were tending the animals … Probably cold from the elements

• Maybe hopeless & without a future, or promotion, or anything good ahead

• They are given the greatest news ever – and it terrified them!! (v9)

- And what are they told in response to their fear? v10, “Do not be afraid”

-- Again, we have to find comfort in the tenderness of God’s message to humanity

-- Surely, the Creator could have blown their doors off – He is worthy!

-- Yet, from a God who loves them (and us), they are told to not be afraid

- What if we applied that to how we celebrate this time of year?

-- Experiment to Try: How can we be ashamed, afraid, or anything about proclaiming the Gospel to a world in need if this is God’s response when it is?

- TR: Why must we understand God’s tenderness in His promises? Because …

Point 2 – God’s assurances brings hope … even for today

- As an angel is proclaiming God’s incredible news, look what happens …

-- (vv13-14) Suddenly, out of nowhere … ALL OF HEAVEN JOINS IN!!

-- Greek: exaiphnés (exif-knees); all of a sudden; unexpectedly; suddenly

- If you remember Revelation study, you’ll remember we’ve seen this before!

-- John describing Heaven’s activities Rev 4:8-11, “Each of these living beings had six wings, and their wings were covered all over with eyes, inside and out. Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty - the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.” Whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever), the twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever). And they lay their crowns before the throne and say, “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.”

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