God Will Provide
Contributed by Thomas Dibble on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Go ahead and trust him with the needs of your life - I didn’t say wants, the things that we think we need - but what do we really need. God will provide the right thing, at just the right place, at just the right time.
In view of life’s difficult circumstances many of us must wonder from time to time whether or not God really cares for us or not. All of us have had perplexing situations that we have had to deal with. All of us have had needs which we have earnestly prayed over.
I want you to know this morning that GOD WILL PROVIDE!
We ask God to meet our needs and the needs of others. We seek for God’s provision in our lives. And sometimes we ask ourselves why isn’t God responding to us the way we want him to.
I want you to know this morning GOD WILL PROVIDE.
We ask ourselves:
∑ Is God really personally involved in my life?
∑ Did God merely create the universe, set it spinning off into space, and then just become involved in something else?
∑ Is he available to each one of us right now?
∑ Does God just know our needs or will he meet our needs too?
All of us perhaps have struggled with these kinds of questions in our lives.
But I want you to know that GOD WILL PROVIDE!
The Bible reveals God as our provider. On the pages of scripture, he is portrayed as the one who sees and cares for all of our needs.
He has the very hairs of our head numbered. He knows our frame, he remembers that we are just dust. We hear of his great concern for just a sparrow that falls to the ground. Take that concern and multiply it one hundred fold and that is just the beginning of his concern for you today.
I want you to know that GOD WILL PROVIDE!
The pages of scripture are abundant with stories of how God came through for his people time and time again.
∑ The 3 Hebrews delivered from a fiery furnace.
∑ Daniel delivered from the lion’s den.
∑ David delivered from Goliath.
∑ Gideon and the remnant delivered from the Midianites.
I want you to know that GOD WILL PROVIDE!
“But what about me?” you say. Can the great God of heaven really provide for me? Sometimes he doesn’t do things when I think they should be done. I’ve asked God for things that he hasn’t given me. I’ve prayed and apparently he hasn’t heard me, or at least, he hasn’t answered me yet. Will God come through for me?
I want you to know this morning that GOD WILL PROVIDE!
In Genesis chapter 22 it tells us the story of Abraham and God requesting him to sacrifice his only son whom he loved. The Bible says that God was testing him in verse one.
Genesis 22:2 - And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
I cannot imagine the feelings that Abraham must have felt as he heard the words of God that day and they began to sink into his mind and heart. This is my only son, the son whom I love. My heir - the son of promise. This is the son through whom the whole world would be blessed. And now the Lord was asking Abraham to give back to God that which God had given to him.
God placed his finger on the most valuable thing in his life and said I want it. Did Abraham love Isaac more than he loved God? Was that what the test was all about? Perhaps, but I believe it was more than that.
You see all through Abraham’s life God had been revealing himself as the God who will provide.
When God first spoke to Abraham he told him to leave his family and his home and go to a land that he would show him. Did Abraham obey? He did, partially. He left Ur of the Chaldees, but he took his father with him, settled in another place until his father died, and then proceeded on with his relative, Lot. Through all of this God was trying to teach Abraham to trust in him to provide.
God then promised Abraham an heir. But then waited for years without fulfilling the promise. Would Abraham trust God? He did, partially. But he also tried to help God fulfill his promise. He and his wife devised a scheme whereby Abraham would bring forth a son through Sarah’s handmaiden. Thus, Ishmael was born. But that was not the child of God’s promise. For God had said that he would bless Abraham and Sarah with a son. What was God doing? He was trying to get Abraham to trust Him completely to provide.