
Summary: Abraham was born from a family of idol worshippers. At the age of seventy five God instructed him to leave his country of birth for a land that HE would identify unto him.Abraham obeyed God. God promised him that He would make him a mighty nation.

The Lord said to Abraham: “Go and get Isaac, your only son, the one you dearly love! Take him to the land of Moriah, and I will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to me on the fires of an altar.”

When Abraham was seventy five years old, God instructed Abram to leave the country of his birth, for a land that He would identify when he got there. His Creator made him a promise that He would multiply his descendants like the stars in the heaven and the sand on the sea shore. With THIS promise in mind, Abram left his past life, relatives, friends and history behind in Ur of the Chaldeans, to obey God. He did NOT doubt God’s promise for ONE moment. In fact he trusted Him with his VERY life…BELIEVED that God was NO liar… that He would NOT break His word and promise to him.

When Abraham was a hundred years old, and his wife Sarah was eighty five years old, God kept his promise, and his son Isaac was born…. the son GOD promised him (Genesis 21:1-4). He loved his son VERY dearly, and raised him in the fear of God. In fact, the boy WAS his life. Abraham was BLESSED by the Lord, and PROSPERED. YEARS later, the bible does NOT say HOW many years later, but it can reasonably be concluded from biblical references, that it could have been approximately thirty seven years later, God decided to TEST Abraham: “….. sacrifice Isaac, on the fires of an altar for me.”

Make NO mistake that Abraham was NOT perfect. He ALSO had human weaknesses and failures. Forty seven years EARLIER his wife told him to father a child with her Egyptian slave, and he OBEYED her….doubted God’s promise for a BRIEF moment (Genesis 16:6). At THIS moment Abraham must SURELY have felt sad and heartbroken to carry out God’s will, but he DID it (Genesis 22:10) nevertheless. His faith IN God, his love FOR God, and trust IN Him, was GREATER than his love for himself. Abraham BELIEVED that God WOULD provide (Genesis 22:8), IRRESPECTIVE of HOW He would do it. Was Abraham’s faith in God rewarded? Yes it was. God ALWAYS keeps His promises (Genesis 22:13).

How far are YOU and I prepared to trust God with OUR lives… to do HIS will? Are WE willing to sacrifice THAT which is precious and important to us, to please God, or would we rather turn our backs on Him and walk away from His grace…. Walk away from His presence because the sacrifice is just TOO great? God NEVER fails them who love Him. He is FAITHFUL to the end. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”(Romans 8:28).

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