God Uses Ordinary People: Tabitha Series
Contributed by Brian Bill on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Be a devoted disciple who does good deeds and helps the hurting.
Some of us are skeptical when we read about things like this. Does God really do miracles today? I watched a Nightline special this past Wednesday night about supposed healings taking place in Lakeland, Florida and after watching it, I wonder what the truth really is. But I know no one is claiming to be able to bring a dead person back to life. This type of miracle is totally amazing but it is not unheard of in Scripture. I count at least ten “resurrections” in the Bible.
* Elijah raising the son of the widow (1 Kings 17:17-22).
* Elisha raising the son of the Shunamite woman (2 Kings 4:32-35).
* A man who was raised when his body touched Elisha’s bones (2 Kings 13:20-21).
* Jesus raising the son of a widow (Luke 7:11-15).
* Jesus raising a daughter (Luke 8:49-56).
* Jesus raising Lazarus (John 11:1-44).
* Jesus rising from the dead (Matthew 28:5-10).
* Others rising from the dead at the resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 27:50-53).
* And my favorite is when a man named Eutychus fell into a deep sleep during a sermon (imagine that) and fell out of a window and died. Paul raised him from the dead and then kept on preaching until morning – this time the guy stayed awake (Acts 20:9-10).
* And here Jesus through Peter raised Dorcas from the dead.
We don’t hear about what happens next but I don’t think she went out on a speaking circuit to give her testimony. I’m convinced that after she regained her strength, she went right back to her quiet and unassuming service. Miracles always magnify God and work to spread the good news of His glory. When you hear of someone claiming a miracle and all they’re doing is focusing on themselves, your guard should go up. Look at verse 42: “This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord.” This is actually the greater miracle.
Some of you really excel in expressions of servanthood because God has given you a special ability to serve. Perhaps you’re a quiet practitioner of acts of kindness just like Tabitha was. You notice needs that others don’t even see and you find joy in meeting them. This is one of the most important evangelistic methods because service-style evangelists touch people nobody else can reach. Serving breaks through cynicism and a helping hand can soften a hard heart. Whether it’s making meals, sewing clothes, fixing cars, hanging drywall, or working in a Food Pantry, God can use you to point people to Christ. It was Francis of Assisi who said, “At all times preach the gospel. When necessary, use words.”
I’d like you to hear from two special people this morning who take their serving very seriously. Steve Folwell and Lori Wiseman are both members of PBC and take after Tabitha in many ways. When I called each of them to see if they would be willing to come up and share a few things, they both were hesitant because they don’t want to toot their own horns. They agreed to do it only “if God gets all the glory.” Steve’s first question when I called him was this: “What you need?” and Lori’s response to my request was quick, “I’ll be there.”