
Summary: God the Son is the Word of the Father, God in the flesh, and the One bearing all God’s authority.

God the Son I Tim. 2:5

INTRO.: No man ever lived who was like Jesus. He was completely different and unique. There has never been another birth like His. It was a virgin birth brought about by the Spirit of God.

There has never been another life like His. It was completely sinless. He never did anything but good.

There has never been another death like His. It was the death of One completely innocent. It was, in fact, voluntary.

It goes without saying, there has never been a resurrection like His. It is the foreshadowing of the resurrection of all His followers. He is the firstfruits of the dead.

Jesus was no ordinary man. He was and is the Son of God. Second Person of the Godhead. He came to earth as God in the flesh.

His was the one solitary life that changed the course of world history.

He is our hope of redemption. Acts 4:12

Let’s think about Him in relation to the Father.

I. John tells us He is the Word of the Father. John 1:1-5, 14

A. We reveal our ideas through words.

1. We would know nothing of God had He not revealed Himself in words.

2. First, there was the spoken Word, then the written Word, finally, the living Word.

3. If we want to know about God and His will, we must go to the written Word, where we learn what the Living Word has revealed of Him.

4. God revealed Himself through Jesus. John 14:6-10

B. Words give power to our ideas.

1. An idea is powerless if it only resides in the mind. It must be expressed in words written or spoken.

2. Once expressed, it can be acted upon.

3. God the Father had a plan to create a universe and a creature in His image. He expressed it in words.

4. He expressed His plan to save man in words, spoken, written, living.

C. God’s Word is the power by which He performs His will.

1. He created the universe “by His command.” Heb. 11:3

2. He is the power by which God holds all things together. Col. 1:15-17

3. If we want to know what God is like, look to Jesus. He revealed the Father. John 14:9 “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

II. Jesus is God in flesh. John 1:14

A. He has personalized God.

1. Illus.: Four blind men who felt an elephant and tried to describe it. One touched its tail and said it was like a rope. Another his trunk and said he was like a large hose. A third, his side and said he was like a wall. The fourth, his leg and said he is like a tree. None of them could see the elephant. Got only a partial idea.

2. We would have only a limited idea about God if Jesus hadn’t come to let us see the Father.

B. He showed us God is not just an impersonal spirit or force. God has personality.

1. He is an individual like we are.

2. He loves, gets angry, speaks, is hurt when His children hurt, etc.

3. ILLUS.: Mk. 6:34ff: Jesus shows us God is a God of compassion and power.

C. God did not just shout from Heaven and tell us what to do and what would happen if we disobeyed.

1. He came here and showed us what He would do in our place.

2. In fact, He put Himself in our place.

3. When He faced Satan, He was tempted with physical need, ego gratification, and greed, yet He never wavered in His commitment to God.

4. And He calls upon us to follow His example, not just do what He said, tho He wants that too.

III. He has all the authority of God: I Cor. 15:24-27

A. Before Jesus was born, God made a promise to His mother. Lk. 1:32, 33

1. “You will have a son and He will be great”

2. “God will give Him the throne of His father, David” - he will rule the Jewish nation. To the Jews this meant He will rule the world.

3. “His kingdom will never end.” - How could Mary have known the full implication of this?

B. God has put him as head over every thing.

1. The time is coming when He will rule alone.

2. All His enemies will be brought into submission.

3. Even death will no longer have any power. It is the last enemy.

4. One day He will hand everything over to the Father following His complete victory.

C. The Son rules because of His redemptive work. Heb 2:9 “Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”

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