
Summary: A comparison of our Compassionate Heavenly Father and our father’s today.

God the Father and Today’s Father

1 John 4:8-10 Psalms 1

1. God created man.

A. God created man from the dust of the earth – Gen. 2:7

B. God created man in his own image – Gen. 1:27

C. God created man with a body, soul and spirit – 1Thess. 5:23

2. God gave man privileges in life.

A. God placed man in the Garden of Eden – Gen. 2:8

B. God provided food for the man – Gen. 2:16

C. God gave man dominion – Gen. 2:19-20


This term “father” is used 248 times in reference to God and 140 towards earthly fathers. A father is also called the ‘founder’; also a tem used to show the author of the family. Adam was called the father of men; Abraham was called the father of all who believe. A father is also known as the benefactor, as doing well and providing for the others of the household, like a teacher to show forth the parental instruction. This position and authority of the father as the head of the family is expressly assumed and sanctioned in Scripture.

3. A father walks not in the association with sinners.

A. He refuses to allow ungodliness into the home -11 John 10

B. He refuses to have fellowship unclean things - 11 Cor. 6: 17

4. A father is not a stumbling block.

5. A father delights in the Word of God.

A. He delights in hearing the Word of God - Heb. 2:3

B. He delights in reading the Word of God - Acts 17:11

C. He delights in assembling in the House of the Lord.

6. A father should be like a tree, planted by the river.

A. He is like the roots of a tree, he has a firm foundation. Firmly doing the will of

God, not wavering. 1 Cor. 3:11

B. He bares fruit that glorifies the Father - Matt. 5:16

7. The father is responsible for the spiritual welfare of the household.

A. He is responsible for the training up of the children – Prov. 22:6

B. He is responsible for bringing his children to church – Duet. 31:12-13

C. He is responsible for leading his family to Christ – Mark 10:13-16

8. He is blessed because he knows Christ.

9. The blessed man follows Christ.

10. The blessed man abides in Christ.

A. He abides in Christ for wisdom – Mat. 10:16

B. He abides in Christ for spiritual blessings – Eph. 1:3

C. He abides in Christ for guidance – Psalms 37:5

< And when the father in the home does and is this person, he will be honored in the

home by his wife & children.

< And God will also be honored and well pleased with this man also.

< Are you this man?

< Is there something keeping you from being this man, that God has called you to be?

< Are you willing to be that man ?

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