God Tests Obedience, Not Loyalty - By Pastor Ondu Joseph
Contributed by Joseph Ondu on Feb 17, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Loyalty without obedience is meaningless. God does not test how much we claim to love Him; He tests whether we will follow His commands. Let us strive to be not just hearers of the Word but doers, walking in full obedience to His will.
Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:22 - "But Samuel replied: 'Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.'"
Many believers equate loyalty to God with obedience. While loyalty implies faithfulness and commitment, obedience is the true measure of our relationship with Him. God does not merely desire our devotion; He tests our obedience through His Word, His commands, and the situations He places before us.
I. The Difference Between Loyalty and Obedience
Loyalty is an emotional or mental allegiance, but obedience requires action. A person may declare loyalty to God, but if they do not follow His instructions, their loyalty is empty. Jesus said in John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my commandments." Our love and devotion must be demonstrated through obedience.
II. Biblical Examples of God Testing Obedience
Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-18) - Abraham was loyal to God, but God tested his obedience by asking him to sacrifice his son. His willingness to follow through proved his faith and obedience, and God provided a ram in place of Isaac.
King Saul’s Disobedience (1 Samuel 15:1-23) - Saul claimed loyalty to God but disobeyed His command by sparing King Agag and keeping the best livestock. His failure to obey led to his downfall.
The Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-22) - He was devoted to religious practices but refused to obey Jesus’ command to sell his possessions and follow Him.
III. Why God Tests Obedience
To Reveal Our True Faith - Actions speak louder than words; faith without works is dead (James 2:26).
To Develop Our Character - Trials refine us like gold (1 Peter 1:6-7).
To Align Us with His Will - God's plans are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).
IV. How to Cultivate Obedience to God
Know His Word - Study and meditate on Scripture (Psalm 119:105).
Listen to the Holy Spirit - God speaks through His Spirit (John 16:13).
Walk in Faith, Not Feelings - Trust God's commands even when they are difficult (Hebrews 11:6).
Loyalty without obedience is meaningless. God does not test how much we claim to love Him; He tests whether we will follow His commands. Let us strive to be not just hearers of the Word but doers, walking in full obedience to His will.
Call to Action:
Ask yourself today: Am I truly obeying God, or am I just declaring my loyalty without action? Choose obedience, for in it, we find His favor and blessings.