God's Word Works Wnders
Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Pentecost 7(A) - God’s Word works wonders because God’s Word is always refreshing and always "full-filling".
July 15, 2007 -
Isaiah 55:10,11
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INTRO: Each one of us often looks for things to refresh, strengthen, and encourage us. In the midst of the summer temperatures a nice glass of cold water or iced tea is refreshing. Each day we find that the meals we consume are physically refreshing. Everyone feels much better after a good night’s sleep. All of these things refresh, strengthen, and encourage us physically. As believers we also gather around the word of God that we may be refreshed, strengthened, and encouraged – especially, spiritually.
You may recall Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. Jesus went into the wilderness fasting ( = going without normal eating) for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days Satan tempted Jesus. It was Satan’s desire for the Son of God to fall and fail in his mission to redeem mankind. Satan’s temptations were flawed. The devil tried to tempt Jesus by misquoting Scripture. It was only a little twisting of God’s truth. That is how Satan works. Jesus’ response was to defeat Satan by correctly quoting Scripture. Satan tempted Jesus by telling him he could turn stones into bread. "Jesus answered, ’It is written: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God".’"(MATTHEW 4:4).
Thus we gather on Sunday to be refreshed, strengthened, and encouraged by every word that comes from the mouth of God! We are reminded how
I. Always refreshing, and;
II. Always full-filling.
A. Isaiah was the prophet who lived almost halfway between Moses and Jesus.
1. Isaiah warned the people about their disobedience and God’s promise to punish.
2. Israel was not too excited to hear these words in the opening chapters of Isaiah.
B. In chapter 53 Isaiah describes the Messiah who will come to suffer the punishment for God’s people.
1. Chapter 54 speaks of the glory of God’s people. Chapter 55 begins with an invitation.
2. In verse 9 Isaiah reminds the people how God’s ways and thoughts are higher than man’s.
C. In a miraculous way our gracious God now uses the normal to explain his deep mysteries.
1. Verse 10a – the rain and the snow from heaven refresh the earth.
2. Verse 10b – the earth is refreshed as the rain and snow make it bud and flourish.
3. Verse 10c – God’s miracle of creation reveals that seed is produced, and also food.
D. Our loving Lord refreshes the earth with his heavenly rain and snow. Our loving Lord refreshes, strengthen, and encourages us with a cold drink, a satisfying meal, and/or a good night’s rest. For these blessings we are truly thankful. Thankfully our gracious God does not stop with blessing only our physical needs. Believers are truly refreshed by God’s free forgiveness. Peter preached after Jesus’ death and resurrection to the crowds that they had put the Author of Life to death. The message has not changed today. Our evil thoughts, wicked words, and sinful actions nail Jesus to the tree. Like the crowd during Peter’s preaching we are moved to ask, “What shall we do?” There is only, one simple answer. "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord"(ACTS 3:19). God’s word of forgiveness works wonders. It is always refreshing.
E. Finding times of refreshing from God’s word and his forgiveness is not natural. By nature we are sinners. We are born into this world as God’s enemies. Rejoice that God has called you out of darkness to dwell in his light! We can learn from reluctant prophets. Consider Jonah who fled from God’s call. Even Jeremiah was not all the excited to preach repentance, at first. That changed. "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty"(JEREMIAH 15:16). God’s word works wonders. We work at it by hearing, studying, reading.
F. The Bible is our greatest textbook teaching us that all things spiritual are always refreshing. When you need refreshing turn to the Psalms. These books are gems to refresh, strengthen, and encourage even the most downtrodden spirit. "The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes"(PSALM 19:7,8). May your hearts always be refreshed with the joy from God. May your eyes always have the light of the knowledge of salvation in them.
God’s word is always refreshing.
A. Whenever the Lord mentioned water (or snow) his people always paid close attention.