God's Valentine
Contributed by Bill Butsko on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God's gift to man is the one necessary for man to spend eternity with Him in his kingdom.
Text: “We love Him because He first loved us”
(1 John 4:19).
Tomorrow is February 14 and is known as Valentine’s Day. This is a day when gifts of candy and flowers are exchanged between loved ones. This day is remembered and celebrated in the name of a mysterious saint named St. Valentine.
It has been said that Valentine, a priest in Rome during the third century, chose to ignore a mandate of Emperor Claudius II regarding his military personnel be single. Valentine did not think this was fair or just, so he continued to unite young lovers in marriage. This went on for a period of time, until Valentine’s actions were discovered and he was put to death.
There is another story that indicates Valentine actually wrote the first valentine. Valentine was serving a prison term for some reason and while in prison fell in love with a young lady who visited him regularly. The young lady happened to be the jailor’s daughter. Before his death, the story is he wrote a letter to the young lady and signed it “From your Valentine” which appears on valentine cards today.
We have this day today, we call it “Valentine’s Day”; a day when many pretty cards are purchased by people who care for one another and want that person to know how they feel.
This is a day when youngsters exchange cute little valentine cards in school and a time when sales soar for those in the flower business. It is also a day when special candy or special boxes of candy sell like hot cakes. Yes, this is a special day.
From the very day God created man, He planned to send man a very special gift of love. It was not a card, flowers or any kind of candy. No, it was a very special gift of love that would enable every man, woman, boy and girl to spend eternity with Him in His kingdom.
God sent His love to us in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ. His gift of love was to all those who would believe in Him, accept Him and strive to live according to His Word. This gift was far better than a card, flowers or a box of candy that last for a short period of time. This was a gift of salvation which was needed because of man being disobedient to God.
Valentine’s Day is a day when people go out of their way to be nice to those they love. The beautiful cards are an outward expression of their love, as are the flowers and the candy. These gifts do not measure up to the gift given to us by Almighty God.
These gifts are nice and appreciated and that is about it; whereas, God’s gift is a gift of everlasting love that will never change or fade. God’s gift grants us entrance into His kingdom.
God’s gift is one that is not given once a year, but is available to all of us every day of the year. His gift of love is the greatest gift known. God’s gift to us is the gift of eternal life.
God sent His gift to us to show us how much He loved us. In the early days, there were people who thought God loved only the so-called chosen people, but that was not really the case. Some people were under the impression those not considered chosen were on the road to condemnation.
Jesus said, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17).
God wants to give His children an opportunity to be redeemed from their sinful nature; to repent of their sins; to accept His gift and then to spend eternity with Him in His eternal home. This is His everyday valentine gift to all His children.
Jesus revealed to the Jews and Gentiles they were included in this special gift. This gift could not be purchased it merely had to be accepted. God’s gift had nothing to do with race, color or creed or any other barrier.
His gift did not hinge upon a person’s status in life. I didn’t mean one had to be rich or well-to-do. It didn’t depend upon what type of job or business one was engaged in. His gift is available to everyone every day and cannot be purchased.
God gave His children this precious gift to keep them from perishing. When He created Adam and Eve there was no sin. They were created perfect. Since God did not want puppets He could always control, He gave Adam and Eve the ability to choose.
“The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:8, 9).