
God's Unwavering Love and Promises

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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God's love for you is so profound that He is willing to be engaged to you. This engagement is not like any other, it is filled with promises and commitments that only He can fulfill.


Today, we will explore the incredible love that God has for each one of us. His love is so deep that He desires to be engaged to us, and He has made a promise to marry us in the future. Let us delve into this beautiful engagement and understand the responsibilities that come with it.

God's Eternal Commitment

God's love for us is everlasting. He promises to be engaged to us forever, without any end or beginning. He will never fail us or forsake us. Just as a mother cannot forget her nursing child, God will never forget us. He will always be by our side, providing us with His unwavering support and help.

God's Righteousness

God commits Himself to us in righteousness. This means that He fulfills His obligations as a holy being towards us. Through His righteousness, we find peace, quietness, and confident trust. We can rest assured that God will establish us as His bride.

God's Judgment

In His engagement to us, God assures us that He will take care of every situation we face. He will not break a bruised reed or extinguish a dimly burning wick. He will bring forth justice and set things right. We need not fear, for the Lord will fight for us and grant us His peace.

God's Lovingkindness

God's love for us is constant and unchanging. His engagement to us is filled with lovingkindness. No matter what we have done or failed to do, His love remains steadfast. We can rely on His mercies and find strength in His right hand.

God's Faithfulness

God is faithful to His promises. He does not lie or change His mind. Whatever He has spoken, He will bring to pass. We can trust in His faithfulness and know that every promise He has made will be fulfilled in our lives.


The engagement God offers us is unbreakable and filled with His eternal love, righteousness, judgment, lovingkindness, and faithfulness. It is up to us to accept His engagement and embrace the responsibilities that come with it. Have you accepted God's engagement in your life?

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