
God's Provisions

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 27, 2023
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This sermon explores Abraham's unwavering faith in God's provision and promises, encouraging believers to emulate his dedication and trust in their own Christian walk.


Welcome, welcome, my dear family in Christ. It's a joy to gather with you once again, as we open the pages of our beloved Scriptures, seeking the wisdom and guidance of our Heavenly Father. Today, we find ourselves in the heart of the book of Genesis, chapter 22, a chapter brimming with divine truths, profound lessons, and a glimpse into the very heart of our faith.

Our passage today is a narrative that echoes through the annals of faith, a story of Abraham, the father of all believers. It's a story that has been whispered in the ears of children, meditated upon by saints, and preached from the pulpits for centuries. It's a story that speaks of dependence, dedication, and discovery.

Charles Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, once said, “By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” Today, we will see this perseverance in Abraham. His unwavering faith, his steadfast dedication, and his unshakeable trust in the provision, promises, and plans of God.

Dependence on Divine Provision

In the heart of this narrative, we find Abraham, a man who had learned to lean on the Lord in all things. He had learned that in every circumstance, in every situation, God was his provider. And this wasn't a lesson learned overnight. It was a lesson learned through years of walking with God, years of experiencing His faithfulness, His goodness, and His provision.

Abraham's dependence on God's provision meant he had an active trust in the LORD. This trust propelled him forward, enabled him to obey God's commands, and even when they seemed impossible. When God told Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a place He would show him, Abraham didn't hesitate. He packed up his belongings, gathered his family, and set out, not knowing where he was going but trusting that God would lead him.

This trust in God's provision was about every aspect of Abraham's life. He trusted God to guide him, to protect him, to bless him. This trust was not misplaced. Time and time again, God proved Himself faithful. He guided Abraham, protected him, blessed him. He provided for all his needs, both physical and spiritual.

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In the story of Abraham and Isaac, we see this trust tested in a way that it had never been tested before. God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, his only son, the son of promise. This was more than a test of obedience. It was a test of trust. Could Abraham trust God even with this? Could he trust that God would still fulfill His promises, even if Isaac was gone?

Abraham's response is a testament to his unshakeable trust in God's provision. He didn't argue with God, didn't question His command. He simply obeyed. He prepared the wood for the sacrifice, took his son, and set out for the place God had shown him. And when Isaac asked about the lamb for the sacrifice, Abraham's response was simple and profound: "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son."

This was a declaration of dependence. Abraham was declaring his total dependence on God, his unwavering trust in God's provision. He was acknowledging that even in this, even in the sacrifice of his son, God would provide. And God did provide. Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, God provided a ram for the sacrifice.

Dedication to Divine Promises

As we continue to walk in the footsteps of Abraham, we find ourselves stepping into the realm of dedication ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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