
Summary: This sermon focuses on our participation in the blessings that God wants to bestow upon our lives so that we can be a greater blessing

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God’s Economy Series

God’s Prosperity, Our Participation

We greet you today in the Name of our Lord and Saviour, praising God from whom all blessings are always flowing because every good and perfect gift comes from the Father up above. I am grateful to be before you for the preaching and teaching of God’s word on today for I am glad to be in the service of God, the ministry for with God has chosen and called me to. I came today with expectation and anticipation of what God can do and is doing and will do in our personal lives and among us in this local church body.

As we go into the Word of the Lord today I invite to repeat this affirmation after me…I believe that God is who God’s word says that he is and I believe that God can do and will do what God’s word says that God will do. Thank you….Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.

I invite you now for the preaching of the word to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 25 vss. 14-29; Matthew chapter 25 vss, 14-29. When you have found it, let me hear you say amen. Let us stand for the reading of God’s word. Thanks be to the Lord for the reading, hearing and doing of God’s Holy word. And you may be seated. We are inspired today to go back and pick up on God’s Economy Series and speak to our hearts on the subject entitled, God’s prosperity, our participation. God’s prosperity, Our participation. Repeat that after me, God’s prosperity, our participation.

As you may or may not know, we have been dealing with this theme of God’s economy for sometime now. We have not preached on the subject every Sunday of course but we have been steadily working on this theme of God’s economy. It has been a few Sundays since we’ve returned back to this subject for we are always opened to God’s leading of what he wants to say through the Word of God on a given Sunday. So today we are inspired to go back to God’s Economy and to deal with a matter that is certainly something that we cannot omit in teaching on how God can supernaturally intervene and bless us in our personal lives and the church. Let me say from the outset that we have established that there is a definite economy that God has of which supercedes and is exceedingly and abundantly and above what we can ask for or think.

God has a definite economy that operates without any obstacles or hurdles or hindering from any of man’s doing. God has a definite storehouse in the holy heavenly spiritual realm that is endless and limitless with all the resources and more, to keep us from a state of lack and to bring us to a place of blessing where we can always be a blessing however the Holy Spirit may lead us.

We’ve established that there is a real God’s economy that we, just do not seek, to be a part of, and take advantage of and share in while being in God’s family and doing God’s work. We’ve overlooked it for some reason or another perhaps the erreroneous teaching that some of have heard that to be poor is evidence of holiness which we also have said is the furthest from the truth as any other deception and untruth that is told to us.

We know now clearly that it cost money to do ministry. It costs money to help get souls saved. It cost money to established the covenant of Jesus Christ throughout the world by teaching and preaching and reaching with the Gospel. It cost money. It cost money at this church just to do what we are doing now, and it will cost much more money to do what God has us dreaming about. We have it clear my brothers and sisters that it just will cost us a pretty penny to be the blessing that God has really called us to be.

And let me tell you something else, we have discovered in this teaching on God’s economy that when we don’t have money to do what needs to be done in the Lord, it costs us everything else…it costs us our joy…it costs us our peace…it costs us by way of worry and fretting and doubting. It costs us by the fact that we miss opportunities for ministry because we are preoccupied with our state of lack. We don’t have to come up with some great big polish example. All we have to do is think about the regularly monthly bills in our homes that need to be paid …and some of us just start thinking at the beginning of the month and we don’t stop thinking about those bills until the end of the month…and then when the new month comes we begin the same mind preoccupation of our grave concern about bills all over again….and everyday that we spend the bulk of our time being engulfed with our bills we miss precious golden opportunities to reach out and touch somebody with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I say all of this again today so that it can be clear of why we here at this church are talking how the Lord can bestow his prosperity upon us…it’s not just to say I’m blessed…look at me…brag on me….look who I am…look who we are…no no…We have a job on our hands my friends…a job that requires a certain level of resources to always be in reach without lack so that the work here at this church is never interrupted because of the lack of funds. No…no it should not be that way especially when we serve a God who owns everything good and perfect thing and every good and perfect gift.

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