
God's Power to Revive and Restore

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Have you ever faced a situation that seemed impossible to fix? In this sermon, we explore how God guided Ezekiel to respond to the seemingly hopeless condition of his nation. We delve into how God can stir our faith into action, and how He can direct us to respond to our impossible situations.


Have you ever faced a situation where you wondered if anything could be done to fix it? God tells Ezekiel what to do about the condition of his nation. God stirs his faith for action, and Ezekiel responds. How would God direct us to respond to our impossible circumstances?

Ezekiel's Vision

In Ezekiel 37:3, God asks Ezekiel, "Son of man, can these bones live?" This question resonates with anyone who has encountered seemingly insurmountable challenges. It could be financial debt, a debilitating illness, a wayward child, or an unbelieving spouse. These discouraging difficulties can make us question if there is any hope for a solution.

Ezekiel, a priest called by God into prophetic ministry, was carried away to Babylon with the Jewish captives in 597 B.C. His message primarily addressed the demoralized Jews in captivity. However, the principles revealed in this chapter have application to our lives today.

The Hand of the Lord

Ezekiel begins by describing how the hand of the Lord came upon him and brought him out in the Spirit of the Lord. This vision signifies a divine encounter. When God extends His hand to us, powerful things happen. Just as the early church prayed for God to stretch out His hand for signs and wonders, we too can experience His power when His hand is upon us.

The Valley of Dry Bones

God sets Ezekiel down in a valley filled with dry bones. These bones represent the hopeless state of the Jewish captives in Babylon. Their dreams and plans have been shattered, and they feel spiritually dead. The root cause of their condition is sin, which led to their captivity. God allowed these circumstances to call them to repentance and turn back to Him.

Ezekiel's Tentative Faith

God asks Ezekiel if these bones can live. Ezekiel responds with a mixture of uncertainty and faith, saying, "O Lord God, You know." His answer reflects his human limitations and the challenges he faces. Yet, he acknowledges God's sovereignty and trusts in His knowledge and power.

God's Command to Prophesy

God instructs Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones, declaring His word over them. The power of God's word brings life. Ezekiel obeys and begins to prophesy, and suddenly the bones start rattling and coming together. Bone connects to bone, forming a complete skeleton. This miraculous restoration demonstrates the power of speaking God's word.

The Process of Restoration

As the bones come together, sinews and flesh cover them, but there is still no breath in them. God instructs Ezekiel to prophesy to the breath, calling it to come from the four winds and breathe life into the bodies. Ezekiel obeys, and the breath of God enters them. They come alive, standing as an exceedingly great army.

Application to Israel and Beyond

While this vision primarily speaks to the restoration of Israel, it also holds relevance for all believers. When faced with seemingly hopeless situations, God may ask us if those circumstances can change. We must trust in His knowledge and power, responding with obedience and speaking His word over the situation.


In conclusion, God can bring life to any dead situation. When He asks us if something can change, we must place it in His hands and respond with faith and obedience. Let us prophesy His word over our families, finances, and health, trusting that He will bring restoration. Just as the dry bones came alive through Ezekiel's obedience, we too can experience the power of God's word in our lives.

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