
Summary: This message reminds us that in spite of the difficulties that wemay face in life, God has already given us everything we need, especially the gift of His grace.

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2 Corinthians 12:7-10


A. Since this is Thanksgiving week, let me begin this morning by asking you one simple question: gFor what are you thankful?h or gAre you thankful?h

1. I have to admit that I tend to look at what I do not have and donft always appreciate what I do have

2. What do you want that you donft already have?

a. Many times our desires are simply to the have new and improved version of what we already have

b. Bigger house

œ Faster computer

œ Newer car

œ Better job

c. What do you want that you really need?

3. You and I need to realize something

a. God has already given us everything we need!

4. In spite of what difficulties you may be going through right now

a. In spite of your financial situation

b. In spite of your health

c. Even in spite of your sin

d. God has given you everything you need„Ÿor at least He has made it available and you need to accept it

ILL> In his book, In the Grip of Grace, Max Lucado tells this story. Here is the scene: You and I and a half-dozen other folks are flying across the country in a chartered plane. All of a sudden the engine bursts into flames, and the pilot rushes out of the cockpit.

gWefre going to crash!h he yells. gWefve got to bail out!h

Good thing he knows where the parachutes are because we donft. He passes them out, gives us a few pointers, and we stand in line as he throws open the door. The first passenger steps up to the door and shouts over the wind, gCould I make a request?h

gSure, what is it?h

gAny way I could get a pink parachute?h

The pilot shakes his head in disbelief. gIsnft it enought that I gave you a parachute at all?h And so the first passenger jumps.

The second steps to the door. gIfm wondering if there is any way you could ensure that I wonft get nauseated during the fall?h

Each of us comes with a request and receives a parachute.

gPlease captain,h says one, gI am afraid of heights. Would you remove my fear?h

gNo,h he replied, gbut Ifll give you a parachute.h

Another pleads for a different strategy, gCouldnft you change the plans? Letfs crash with the plane. We might survive.h

The pilot smiles and says, gYou donft know what you are askingh and gently shoves the fellow out the door. One passenger wants some goggles, another wants boots, another wants to wait until the plane is closer to the ground.

gYou people donft understand,h the pilot shouts as he ghelpsh us, one by one. gIfve given you a parachute; that is enough.h

Only one item is necessary for the jump, and he provides it. He puts it in our hands. What He gives us is adequate for the task. But are we content? No. We are restless, anxious, even demanding.

e. Itfs like the old saying, gSometimes you canft see the forest for the trees.h


In spite of all of the claims by insurance companies, God is the only one that you can really trust to provide

a. Itfs only when youfre in His hands that you are in the good hands people

b. Only He is the rock of our salvation

c. That is the message that God was trying to get across to Paul and the same one that God wants us to understand today

6. READ: 2 Corinthians 12:7-9


A. vs 9

1. Do you ever say no to your children or grand-children

a. I donft know of any parent that always says YES to their children

b. Yet, there are some people that truly believe that God should always say YES to their requests

c. They want God to be like the jeanie in the bottle who pops out whenever therefs a problem and says gYour wish is my command.h

2. It is true that we are to take our requests to God

a. PHI 4:6

in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

b. But we need to allow God to answer„ŸHis way

3. There are times that answers seem to come quickly

a. However, there are other times when answers seem to be slow or donft come at all

b. So you pray and wait, pray and wait

4. What do you do if God gives you the same answer He gave to Paul

a. My grace is sufficient „Ÿmy grace is enough

b. Is it? Are you satisfied with that? Can you live with that answer and be content?

B. Content

1. Contentment refers to...

gA state of heart in which you would be at peace if God gave you nothing more than he already has.h„ŸLucado

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