
Summary: My testimony continued

In spite of my tragic lot in life, I refuse to feel sorry about the situation I currently face. As good as my life was before the diagnoses I received, God would continue to make it just that much better. Because of my trust and obedience to him not only do I continue to live without the aid of modern medicine, I experience abundant life because of the grace and mercy of God.

The grace and mercy of God has kept me alive for all these years. His grace and mercy will continue to keep me alive until God calls me home. His grace and mercy has allowed me to understand my situation and life better. As grave as my situation in reality is, I must admit that before HIV, I was destined to die anyway. Therefore, nothing changed.

The unfortunate truth is as humans, we are all infected with a fatal disease. Every person alive is infected with old age. Every person born of a woman must eventually die. Therefore, whatever diagnosis in life we receive, remember nothing changes. You will die anyway.

You can spend your hard-earned money on the multitudes of excellent doctors and the various experimental medications they offer. You can put up with the various unexpected side effects. You can return to them repeatedly for a cure for the side effect that the pills you took caused. However, they never will invent a pill to cure the inevitable coming of death. We all will eventually have to meet God.

Nevertheless, this is my only spiritual stand and my personal stand only. I would rather first meet God in the mist of my sickness and pain. I would rather take the medication that he has prescribed for me to ingest. I would rather ingest the powerful and healing word of God. I would rather believe what he said and live on his grace and mercy. I would rather depend on God.

From the infantile existence of our vast universe unto the dawning of the next day we will experience, the ability of God to take care of us has been undoubtedly revealed. He has constructed a vast biosphere just to house us. He has plant a lush and nourishing garden to provide for us. He has even suspended, way before any of us was thought of, the sun and moon in the sky.

This same powerful and healing God also created you and I. He sent his only begotten son to stand on the cross for the sins that we had not yet committed. Therefore, I reason if God would do all this beforehand just for us, what else would not do. Does he also have the power to stop death? Does he also have the power to change the diagnosis printed on the sheet that says we have a fatal illness and we are going to die? Yes, He does.

However, I have came to realize in my short existence on the face of this pollute planet that sometimes he does not change the diagnosis. I have come to realize that no matter how much we bargain with God or how much money we pay the doctors, everything sometimes continues to stay the same. I have come to realize that no matter what some Christians and the world say, sometimes, like to Paul, God will say ‘My grace and mercy is enough so live.’

Therefore, I choose to live. Moreover, each of us in our various fatal situation, we should choose to live. Regardless of what life may bring, we should choose to live until God tells us to come home. However, do not choose to live afraid of getting sick or dying. Do not choose to live afraid that someone in the world will kill you. Realize that God is powerful enough to create the wonderful world that we are destroying. He is also powerful enough to keep us on the face of this same wonderful world until He and only He calls us home. God’s grace and mercy is sufficient to keep us alive until then.

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