
God's Friendship: A Divine Bond

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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A deeper exploration into the unique friendship between God and mankind.


Another lesson about the friendship between God and mankind.

You are my friends. God called Abraham "his friend" (Isaiah 41:8, 2 Chronicles 20:7, James 2:23). Have you ever thought about this? Is it possible to be friends with God? What are the conditions for being a "friend" of God? What responsibilities come with this special status? These questions, and others you may have, will be answered in this chapter.

Being a friend of God is possible

If we wonder what characteristics distinguish a "friend of God," we can summarize them in two fundamental aspects: faith and obedience. No relationship is built on the desire of only one party; both parties must be interested. Our beloved Father is genuinely interested in being our "friend," but for the scheme to be complete, we must also have a similar interest.

We can be His friends

Jesus announced that we could be His friends (John 15:14). He made it clear why He wanted to grant us this special title. However, He also said that to be His friends, we must follow His commandments. The process is simple: first, we know them; second, we understand them; third, we put them into practice.

History shows that it is possible to be a friend of God

Abraham was considered by God as His friend (Isaiah 41:8; 2 Chronicles 20:7). He was faithful to the Creator. He lived in accordance with what God expected of him. He maintained intimate communion and strengthened his faith even when adverse circumstances made it seem like God's promises would not come true. Romans 4:18 says, "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him."

The step of faith

Faith was the step that allowed Abraham to be considered a "friend" of God (James 2:22-23). Abraham's life showed that his faith was rooted in God. Despite difficulties, his faith grew stronger with each new challenge he faced. He always had the certainty that God would fulfill all His promises, and he was pleasing in God's eyes.

To be friends with God, we need to turn to Him

As long as we conform to the ways of the world, we will be distant from God and reap the consequences of the evil we have sown (James 4:1-3). No one suddenly starts sinning. It is true that we are born with a sinful nature, but we feed it with our thoughts, actions, and desires. And let us not forget that whoever becomes a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God (James 4:4).

If we want to be friends with God, we must draw near to Him (James 4:8). The decision to be friends with God does not come from our beloved Lord but from each one of us. To achieve it, we must rid ourselves of anything that could tie us to the vanity of the world. It essentially means renouncing because He desires us exclusively for Himself and is not willing to share us with anything or anyone that takes away His love (James 4:5).

To be friends with God, we must honor Him

If we aspire to be friends with God, we must recognize His greatness and power (Job 37:23). The biggest problem is that humans without Christ in their hearts tend to trust more in their own strength and abilities than in God's power. Only when we submit to Him do we learn to develop a close dependence on the Father.

If we desire to be friends with God, we must be loyal to Him (Revelation 2:10). Being faithful to God means obedience and perseverance in Him, regardless of the circumstances that may come our way. Whether the situation is favorable or unfavorable, we must stand firm, holding tightly to God's hand, knowing that He will never leave us alone.

If we long to be friends with God, we must be willing to let Him guide us (Psalm 37:23). For this purpose, five conditions are imperative:

1) Recognize Him as our God.

2) Learn from His teachings.

3) Allow Him to bring about a complete transformation in our thoughts and actions.

4) Open our hearts to the One who can do all things.

5) Live in complete dependence on Him.


That is the secret. There is no other.

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