God's Divine Care
Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Throwing all your cares into God’s hands
Let us pray
Our theme this year is, With God All Things Are Possible or With
God Nothing Shall be Impossible......elaborate.. I want to thank you all for being so
caring and loving. When somebody say they are praying for me, it means something to
I would like you to look at the person on your left or on your right. What do you know
about that person? It might be your husband; it might be your wife; it might be a son or a
daughter; it might be a friend or a stranger, but how much do you know about that
person? Besides knowing that person’s name, what else do you know? How much do you
care about that person next to you? If that person had a desperate need, would you care
enough to help?
We all have various needs, and maybe your friends can’t help you, but I know someone
who truly cares about you; I know someone who is ready to help you, and is name is
Jesus, and today you can cast all your cares upon him because he cares about you.
Please turn with me in your bibles to 1 Peter 5 verses 6 through 11 and let’s all stand and read together.
My to-pic for today is, God’s Divine Care. How many of you here today knows that
God cares about you? Whether you believe it or not, it is a fact, God cares about
In 1 Peter 5 verses 1 through 4 we find the apostle Peter having settled and explained the
duty of the pastors and spiritual leaders of the church, he now starts to instruct the flock.
In verse 5 he calls the younger as to how they should behave themselves to their ministers
and to one another. He uses the word submit, and that’s something many of us do not
want to do, we like to have things our way; you do what I say, but I don’t have to do
what you say...........elaborate..... These duties of submission, and subjection to one
another, is contrary to the proud nature and selfish interests of men, but here Peter advises
them to be clothed with humility. Let your minds, your behaviour, your garb or manner of
dress, and complete frame be adorned with humility, as the most beautiful habit you can
wear. If you are disobedient and proud, God will set himself to oppose you and crush you,
for he resisteth the proud, but he gives grace to the humble. Since God resists the proud,
and since God gives grace to the humble, in verse 6 of our text, Peter says, Humble
yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due
Saints of God, if you want God to exalt you then you have to humble yourselves. If you
want God to give you that mountain top exeperience, then you have to humble yourselves.
God’s almighty hand will pull you down if you are proud, or exalt you if you are
Once you have humbled yourselves before God; once you have submitted yourself into the
hand of God, then you are ready to apply verse 7 of our text, a verse which I love so
much, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. The apostle Peter knew
that these Christians were already under very hard circumstances; greater hardships were
comimg to them, he knew they would be having heavy burdens, and so he gave them the
best advice possible, to cast all their cares upon God.......elaborate.....
I want somebody to know today that God wants you as his child to cast all your cares, all
your burdens upon him. What cares do you have right now, what burdens are you
carrying? God is saying cast them upon him. Do you have financial burdens, cast it upon
God. Do you have marital burdens, then cast it upon God. Do you have problems with
your children..................elaborate....
That word cast, means to throw; so Peter is saying, throw your cares, throw your
burdens, which are cutting and distracting, which wound your souls and pierce your
hearts, throw these cares upon the wise and gracious providence of God; trust in
him with a firm composed mind, for he careth for you. So often we are trying to
figure out things for ourselves, instead of throwing those cares upon God. So often we are
staying up all night wondering what’s happening to the church, instead of throwing those
cares upon God. So often we are attempting to take matters into our own hands, instead
of throwing our cares upon God................elaborate...I am learnig each day how to lean
on God, and t to throw my cares upon God..................
I want to remind somebody today that God cares about you. The Great Almighty God