God's Clarion Call To The Church
Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is about the call of God to the beleiver to rise up and shine for Him in these last days and to realise the blessings in store for those who do so.
Isaiah 60;1-3 Ephesians 5;14
In these last days God is calling his children to be transformed. The children of God cannot continue to remain in the same spiritual state. The call of God comes to those who are sitting down or lying down and relaxing and doing nothing for God. He wants them to arise and shine.He calls those who are sleeping to awake and receive the light that Christ is giving them. He calls those to are practically dead in their spiritual life and service to arise from the dead. This is the transformation that God wants his children to experience in these last days while darkness is covering the whole earth.He wants his children to be the light of the world in the midst of this darkness.
2 Chronicles 15;7 , Proverbs 23;18,I Corinthians 15;58
The Lord wants his children to realise that their work for Him will be rewarded. The work of the Lord is the most rewarding work available. The rewards pertain to this world as well as eternity.All other work for which men labour so hard has reward only in this world. But working for God has a reward which we can enjoy forever.God wants his children to realise that their labour for him is not in vain. He wants to encourage his children to get involved in His service.
Psalm 90;14-17 ,Psalm 1;3 , I Corinthians 16;13, Hebrews 12;12 , Romans
The work of the Lord involves toil and labour. It may not be easy .There may be so distractions and disturbances and discouragements.But the Lord wants us to stand fast and have a fervent spirit. He wants us to abound and increase in the work of the Lord.The Lord wants us to have a strong determination and dedication as we labour for the Lord. Otherwise we can easily get tired and discouraged by the obstacles and difficulties that we encounter as we serve Him.
Proverbs 6;6-8
The Lord wants us learn some lessons form the ant.The self-discipline of the ants is an example for us. Without any overseer or leader the ants discipline themselves and with great foresight preserve food for the future. How often we fail to motivate and discipline ourselves to fulfill our duties and responsibilities. We put the blame on others for our failures.The Lord is calling his children to discipline themselves and use foresight to prepare to face the future.We should be rooted and grounded in the word of God before we
face the onslaught of false teachings and false doctrines that will flood the world in the last days.
John 9;4 , Ephesians 5;16 , Colossians 4;5
The Lord wants us to realise the time we are living in. We are living in the last days and the time is short. Jesus always lived with the realisation that he must work while it is day before the night comes when no man can work.Even today the night is about to engulf the world. Many doors of evangelism are being shut .Authorities are constantly framing new laws that make it more and more difficult to evangelise. The Lord wants us to make full use of the time and opportunities available before they are taken away from us.Let every moment count for eternity in our lives.