God's Calling: Our Life
Contributed by Joel Santos on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Lord Jesus Christ is in the business of calling men and women to become part of Himself. He called us to minister to one another in the Body of Christ and reach out to the world with the message of the Gospel.
The Lord Jesus Christ is in the business of calling men and women to become part of Himself. He called us to become sons and daughters and members of the family of God. Together with that is God’s provision of different Spiritual gifts to every believer, according to the measure of our faith, that enable us to minister to one another in the Body of Christ, and reach out to the world with the message of the Gospel. To some of us were the calling to become "apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ"(Eph. 4:11-13.) To our individual calling as Ministers of God we will talk about.
In Matthew 4:18-22, we can learn many things related to our calling:
First, when God called us, he called us by our first names.
Jesus knew that Peter’s real name was Simon, that Andrew is his brother. And that James and John are brothers. He certainly knew everything about us but we have His full acceptance and love. He did not call us because of our abilities and potentials, noe because of our failings and shortcomings. He called us because we are who we are.
Second, His calling comes not to people doing nothing, but to people busy earning for their living.
He called Peter, Andrew, James and John while they were busy doing their trade. I believe with all my heart GOD NEVER CALLS LAZY PEOPLE TO DO THE WORK IN THE MINISTRY! It is very wrong to say that because we can not find another Job, the ministry needed us. Nor it is right to say that because I am earning so much and so enstablished in my work, God’s calling for full time service is not for me. God calls people who have a sense of purpose and direction in life. God calls people who knows the value of time and make things done to the point of exhaustion.
Third, His calling means walking in His steps.
"COME, FOLLOW ME." Or we can simply put it, to become more like Him. "For those God foreknow he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers"(Rom. 8:28). It is no use that we be acclaimed good speakers, preachers, Bible Study leaders, Church Planters, whatever, if our attitudes and character are inconsistent to what we profess we are. There is no way we can preach the Glorious Gospel if our lives aren’t goodnews at all to people we are trying to reach for Christ! Our greatest aim as workers of God must to become more like the Master. God helps us to love as He loves! Serve as He serves! To live as He lives!
Fourth, His calling means giving ourselves in total abandon to his will and power at work in and through us.
Jesus said, "I will make you..." Just as the will of the Father pervades the whole person of the Lord Jesus, His will must be also to us. "Why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business" (Luke 2:49). "...My food is to do the will of Whom who sent Me, and to finish His work"(John 4:34). "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from me; nevertheless not my will, but Thy will be done"(Luke 22:42). There needs to be no reservations for self when we follow the Lord. Our hearts must be teachable and obedient no matter what the cost.
Lastly, His calling is to an specific work necessary in the expansion of His kingdom.
"I will make you fishers of men." One of the human weaknesses is to want others are doing rather than focusing on what we are called to do. Allow nothing to distract you from doing the task you are called to accomplish. Pastors to the church! Missionaries to the mission field! Christians to testify and posses the world for Christ!