God Of My Youth
Contributed by James Powell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A little of my background
Ps 71:5 For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.
David was speaking this with the confidence of the God of his youth will not leave him now as he gets up in Age.
When you trust in God in your youth …..it makes it easier as you grow older and base your life on the living God.
It was August 1941 Franklin Rossevelt was President, It was just a few months later when Pearl Harbor was bombed….but there was a baby born into a certain household.
This household was like a lot of others, except it did recognize the name of God other than a swear word.
The father drank, he was frequently out with his buddies, the children, Benny, Zola, and Beverly never knew whether they had to run for cover when their Dad came home or if it was all clear for them to say hi.
Then it was about thirteen years later where this family made their way into a little Pilgrim Holiness church in Kokomo Indiana. They were introduced to the speaking of God in a whole new manner. It was out of reverence and honor instead of Profanity. It was at this time thirteen years later that the entire family went forward when an altar call was given. This was their first time in church, and they had to be told to kneel at the altar. All of them gave their heart to God and a new process was begun in that home. I am sorry to say….all of them did not stay living as they should, but there was one out of those three children that decided to mind God. Beverly Despain had that desire to follow God with all her heart….even though she came from a home where drinking, cards and gambling was the norm, there were times when the three kids would have to pull their Dad off their Mom due to him being drunk and trying to Kill her.
Yes, Beverly decided to mind God and it was in 1958 at a camp meeting she first met John, and then in 1960 ended up at Frankfort Pilgrim College in Frankfort Indiana when they eventually fell in love and married. You see this was and is my parents. Beverly from a home which had no foundation of God and my Father John who was raised in the Church, and a freshman in High School was saved, but didn’t have the support of the Church and strayed from God. After marrying my mother and still professing but not really possessing….oh being in church every time the church doors were open….but it was not till 17 years later when my father really accepted the call to preach and followed God.
Why am I saying all this…..because God can take people from any background, any life, any situation and change a heart, and life and give a new outlook on life.
If it wasn’t for a mother who was determined too make sure her children didn’t have the same kind of home life she had…..who knows where your pastor would be today.
I was raised in the church…..we were like any other church family….coming and going to church….backing the church, helping out when there was anything to do…but as a young person I struggled with a lot of confusion. Let me say it how it was….I had a lot of rebellion. I saw the ones in the church that did things we weren’t allowed to do and still called themselves Christians….to a young person it created confusion, but you have to just put some things in the mystery bag and let it go.
I attended public school up till 10th grade and then switched to a Christian school.
At the age of 17 I went off to college…..don’t ask….I wasn’t smart…just finished high school at a Christian school and had enough credits to graduate at 16. I only went one year to school, but in that year I was introduced to a lot of different people in the Holiness circles….I had a lot of trouble at school….My father didn’t have the right name.
but let me back up a bit….
During my high school years and later teen years I had all the opportunity to take all the drugs, and alcohol I wanted. I remember several different times sitting with different ones and a reefer (joint, drugs) being passed around, along with the beer, and several other things. LSD was readily available in our school, I had it all offered to me. Not only drugs, but the opportunity for sexual activity was readily available. You see I lived in a small little town of 500 but it was known as the Drug capitol of the county. My father had been on the sheriffs dept. So I knew what was there and where to get it.