
Summary: Friends, peace is lost when you don’t give Jesus the first portion of your life, yes, locusts will suddenly come to swallow everything that you have without Jesus as the center of your life.

God knows it all

John 21:1 “Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Galilee…”

Jesus appeared again- I liked those words….. Jesus appeared again- be reassured today that God is not blind to what is happening in your life – HE KNOWS IT ALL, that’s exactly what I would like to emphasize in this message today. Awesome chapter, each time I read this chapter, I get energized and charged, hope God would do that to you too today!

Knowing their depressed state of mind and anxiety, Jesus chose to visit His disciples again, this was the third appearance of Jesus after his resurrection. Out of angst and worry, people run to friends, relatives and lovers to pour out their heart; nevertheless, you don’t get solution there, the only source of peace is at the ‘Feet of our Lord Jesus Christ’, say Amen. God is not interested in you being in confusion or tension, He wants to trust you wholeheartedly, which only comes through close relationship with Him.

1 Corinthians 14:33 states, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace”.

When Satan wants to attack us, he picks our mind to do that. He sends doubts, fear, angst, panic to fill our mind so that we drift away from God and His promises. Peter instead of waiting on God to show the way, hastily said 'Im going fishing..' the others followed him too. When the leaders errs, it affects the entire team too. In order to beat this we got to come back to God, associate with Godly people, stay connected with Christian fellowships and the Bible. Don’t we have umpteen zoom prayers organised by dedicated leaders today with burden, join them and keep your mind filled with God always.

Testimony: After resigning from a well-paid multinational bank job to join the Lord's work full time with my son studying just in UKG in the year 2004, I identified a weekly Wednesday prayer meeting close to my house that starts at 6pm, so I would rush to that meeting every Wednesday and get charged to confront the uncertainty in my life. Other days I would spend almost the whole day to know His Plans. God knows it all! I always loved to join with friends and pray, even today after two decades of ministry, I conduct 5 am zoom prayer every day where people from various states join to worship and do intercession prayer for an hour.

Joel 1:14 says, “Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord.”

Oh! yes, (the prayer meeting) is the place to meet with the Holy Ghost, and this is the way to get His mighty power. If we would have Him, we must meet in greater numbers; we must pray with greater fervency, we must watch with greater earnestness, and believe with firmer steadfastness. The prayer the appointed place for the reception of power. By Charles Spurgeon.


Early morning!

John 21:4 Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.

Jesus comes to meet you in the morning!

My son Joshua joined Bible college at the age of 17, he completed BTh at 20 and immediately joined as Asst Pastor. He was given assignment to conduct 6am prayers in his church. Since he was already trained by us to wake up early, he would wake up early, walk and go to church. He was appreciated by his senior pastor, my daughter Shalina started 5am zoom prayer fellowship during Covid. More than gold, silver and international education, we need to train our children to wake up and pray. Not when it is convenient at the end of the day, seek Him early, it used to be like a battle for us but we initiated it. Amen.

Parents! Listen to me! Our day should start with God! The lives of people has been totally wrecked with erratic working and sleeping hours. What good would it be to make lot of money but watch it go down the drain because of disorder? I heard a woman tell me yesterday that her son and daughter-in-law has night shift from 8 pm to early morning 5am, after which her room door is locked until lunch. The mother-in-law does all the work, I wondered how would they manage the kids? Yes, children run hither and thither to either grandparents or day-care. Sad scenario! The concept of early morning prayer is nowhere in their agenda, no wonder there is mayhem!

Friends, peace is lost when you don’t give Jesus the first portion of your life, yes, locusts will suddenly come to swallow everything that you have without Jesus as the center of your life. If you love Him, you don’t need a battalion of people to provoke, goad, stir and push you to wake up in the morning to pray, if you love God, you would automatically and by routine wake up and pray. Early morning prayers should become part and parcel of your life, are you listening? Be the Sunshine of your family, wake them up for prayer, make them sit for night prayer, if you procrastinate, then God would send locusts (COVID) to wake you up. I remember a day in my life as a youngster, the eldest of three daughters with a very sick father, early morning at around 3.30 am, my father got very ill unable to breathe, we did not have money to take him to the hospital, in the dark I had to run on the road to my colleague’s house to borrow money for auto. These are called locusts! Are you listening? Years later, after afflictions, sorrows and hurts, I found my Father Jesus, no way would I leave Him for anything of this world…..

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