God Is Still Rolling Stones Away
Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The stone that covered the garden tombs entrance was not the only stone God removed that faithful sunday morning. He removed the stone of death, the stone of doubt. However God will never remove the stone of unbelief. Come see that God is still rolling
Intro: The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only the cornerstone of our Christian faith it is the capstone. It is the all important center stone in the archway of faith that makes all of Christianity stand. If you remove the capstone from the archway our faith crumbles into a pile of useless rubble. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15.17, “and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.” So if the resurrection is not a fact then our faith is no more than a fable. However, hear the words of the apostle in 1 Corinthians 15.21,” But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep.”
I could argue with you all day about the resurrection but I don’t need to. The lives and deaths of the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ cry out loudly and clearly Jesus is risen. In Genesis 1.1 the bible doesn’t argue the fact that there is a God it merely proclaims it. In this sermon I’m not going to argue the fact that Jesus is risen but much like the living word of God I will proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ today!!
As you read the gospels you see that God sent an angel to roll the stone away from the tomb. The stone was not rolled away for Jesus’ benefit. Instead it was rolled away for my benefit and yours. The stone was rolled away so that the disciples and the detractors of Jesus could see the place where He was laid. As you move down the garden path and stick your head in the garden tomb you come to realize that there was more than one stone rolled away on resurrection morning.
I. God rolled away the stone of death
Matthew 28.6 He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.
Death is the tyrant and terror of many today. You’ve may have heard it said before that the statistics on death are clear 1in 1 die. Some try to prolong life and prevent death. But all of us must cross through deaths door. The bible says it this way inasmuch as it is appointed unto men to die once, then the judgment. Hebrews 9.27
Everyone must one day face their mortality. Because of one man, Adam, sin entered the world. Adam chose to disobey God and thus rejected God’s best and His blessing for sin, pain, suffering, sorrow and death. We are the heirs of that sin nature. David even said that He was a sinner from his mother’s womb. You don’t have to teach a person to lie, cheat and steal you have to teach them not to. You don’t have to teach a child to not bully you have to teach them not to.
Sin is the source of death. Ezekiel 18.20 clearly says the person that sins will die. Physical and spiritual death. Physically our life ends and our spirit returns to God. If however we remain as sinners when we die, never having accepted Jesus’ atoning death and restoring resurrection we die spiritually. We are separated from God for ever.
What is the good news of that resurrection morning? God rolled away the stone of death.
When Jesus rose that resurrection morning Satan, Sin, and Death were the pavement He walked on. Satan’s smile became a frown as the all powerful God raised His Son from the dead.
With Jesus alive the promises of God are alive and available for us today. With the resurrection comes meaning for this life and the next. If jesus were just another good man then all we have to look forward to in this life is death.
But He is risen!
The only fear that should dominate the life of the Christian is fear of the Lord
God rolled away the stone of death and if you will honestly look in the empty tomb he will also roll away the stone of doubt.
II. God rolled away the stone of doubt
Matthew 28.10-15 (read)
It was not the Sanhedrin that first planted the seeds of doubt about the truth of God. In Genesis the master plan of Satan was to call into question what God had said to His creation. Indeed, has God said? Maybe you misunderstood what God was telling you. Those are just stories that were cooked up to keep you from having fun. There isn’t really a God, you will not die when you decide to do it your own way. Satan’s accusations were for no other purpose than to nullify the truth of God.
Why did the High priest and Sanhedrin pay off the soldiers and spread this false story. To cast doubt on the truth of God’s word. Why is it that the bone box of Jesus and His family are just today coming into light? If there was a body in the tomb why did the people that knew where it would be not say something? There was no body to be found or they would have paraded it through the streets of Jerusalem.