
Summary: If He is always the winner! If He is always the conquer! If He is always the victor! What does that tell us? It tells us…If God for us, Who can be against us!

Isaiah 6:1-In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.

A king dies but, The King is alive!

Sometimes things die in our life!

Sometimes it’s love ones, sometimes it’s jobs that dies out, sometimes your hope dies out, sometimes our dreams die out, sometimes relationships die out, sometimes finances die out (or they get real sick), sometimes out health dies out!

Israel’s king is dead, but Israel’s God still lives!

Satan wants you to focus on things that are dying in your life!

Satan wants you to focus things that you lost, things that you can’t never get back!

Satan wants you to focus on what is dying instead of focusing who’s living .... God!

Sometimes things have to die before we get a real vision of who God is and where He is


I Saw The Lord-It doesn’t say, "We saw the Lord!"

You don’t have to wait on other people to get right with God, before you can see God!

Sitting-He is not pacing the floor, He’s not all shook up, He’s not all upset!

God sees from A to Z, He sees the whole picture, that’s why we need to see God on the

throne to realize He is in charge!

He has the authority to sit there, He has the answer!!! He had the answer to your problem, before it was a problem!

On A Throne-You notice where God is! , He is on a throne, that means He’s in charge, that means, He makes the final decision, He has the final authority, He is calling the shots!

When you and I are going thru some situations in our life, we have to remember that…That God Is On His Throne!!

Everything that happens to you, He filters through His precious hands!

He Is High And Lifted Up-His throne is above the problem, His throne above the circumstance, His throne is above the situation!

The Helicopter-Being stuck in traffic, are you going to listen someone who is telling what

the traffic is like, when they are sitting in traffic like you, no you want someone who has

a different perspective than you! You tune your radio to the traffic report and they have somebody(not in a car) but in a helicopter telling what is happening miles down the road.

He is above your problems and my problems but He is never out of reach of solving

our problems!

Train Of His Robe Filled The Temple-The longer the train, the more authority you had as a king!

The more kingdom you had, the more territory you had control over, the longer the train

of your robe!

lf you were a king you had to earn this, you had to conquer nations, kingdoms, you had to

fight battles and you had to win!

The train of God’s robe filled the temple, because He earned, because He conquered and He did it not on a battle field but on a cross!

God doesn’t fight a battle, He can’t win!

He doesn’t get involved in a battle that He can’t conquer, that He can‘t be the


He doesn’t know what it’s like to be defeated, He doesn’t know what’s like to lose, He doesn’t know what it’s like to come in second!

What does that tell us? If He is always the winner! If He is always the conquer!

If He is always the victor!

It tells us…If God for us, Who can be against us!

If your on God’s side and God is on your side, Guess what that means,

your Winner, that means, your more than conquer!

We Are Sinners….Don’t say, “Send me!” until you say, “Forgive Me!”

You can keep on playing, you can keep on pretending and not get a real vision of who God is and where He is at! I Saw The Lord!

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