
Summary: You will identify 2 types of rest, v.28 says: I will give you rest, In v.29 says: you will find rest. So there is a rest god gives you, and there is a rest you will find. v.30 god is saying here, my work my business is easy.

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Jesus was explaining in this scripture as he taught the people something fundamental about the work of the ministry. The first thing he told them is: COME UNTO ME all ye that labour and are hearty laden, that is how we were all before we come to know Christ.

We were laden with Sins, with guilt, with sickness and condemnation. Yet He says; Come unto me. Before we became Christian, we owned a debt we cold not pay, we had a burden of sin we didn’t know to get rid of or deal with and came to Him.

Rom.5: 1 therefore having justified by faith. Eph. 2: 14. He has become our peace.

He gave us rest and takes the burden of sins off us. But why did God save us? There is a tendency for somebody to He save me to go to heaven. If that’s your thinking you’re wrong. He says; Take my YOKE, He delivered you because He wanted to give you an assignment.

He says take my YOKE. He took a Yoke off your neck.

Ish. 10: 27. He took off the yoke from your neck and shoulder because he wants to put his own yoke there, so that can serve Him. Titus 2: 14 in order word, He saved us for a purpose and to serve Him.

He says; Take my yoke and learn of me and I am meek and lowly in heart and shall find rest. If you are not familiar with the Hebrew tradition in the days of Jesus, you may not understand what He was explaining here. Jesus was teaching them in the Hebrew tradition.

Whenever they want to cultivate a piece of land, they get matured Oxen that have been working, tested, proven and trained. They then put it on the left and get younger one without any work experience and put it on the right.

Put a yoke on both of them, a yoke can be a piece of wood or plank. Now they don’t talk to the younger Oxen without any experience. They speak to the older Oxen with huge work experience and the younger begin to look how the older one is working.

The younger one knows that it does not know how to plow even though it was born for that purpose to flow That is why he says take my yoke and learn of me, the younger oxen is very tender and it is teachable and prepared to learn, corrections so that it may thoroughly furnished and prepared on to a higher duty.

The older one begins to move and the younger one just follow. When the older one stops the younger one stops too. The training that the young one receives, is not a training of information, it is a training of modeling it learn through example.

That is the idea Jesus was communicating to the people don’t be independent don’t give the impression that you already know everything or have received enough information thank God for information.

The real workers of God are not going to be prepared through information but through divine modeling.

Jesus says; Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am Meek and Lonely. God those not have high school what God has is low school. to get to university you are prepared through low school .Rom12.16 James 4.10 the younger oxen must humble himself.

It means not depend on ones own ability instead depend on wisdom, ability grace, and the power of a matured person.

Jesus was saying here if you learn this way you will become matured. Be, trained, and modeled.

God is interested in practical instruction through modeling this is the only way by which you get the spirit of a leader.

You can have PHD in theology and not able to come before God or A plus in the ministry of faith, or Spiritual warfare, yet not able to cast out demons,because you have not been adequately trained.

Exodus 18, Talks about the Church in the wilderness with fewer people who attend to them. Then Jethro the father in-law of Moses gave the following advice in vs. 17,21

There is nothing as difficult with people who think they are able, God is not looking for able men, 2 Cor. 3: 5.

So Jethro’s advice did not work, instead there was more trouble in the camp. The greatest problem in the body of Christ were caused by men who think they were able, they think they have anointing. Jethro says; look for able.

Jethyro’s advice did not work because it was contrary to. Matt. 11: 28:30.

Now Moses became confused with the situation at hand, and he was now crying out to God to take his life Num: 11:15. Because all along they have been using man method by Jethro.

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