God Is God And I Am Not
Contributed by Dennis Cocks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In our Scripture verses this morning we see God comparing man with Himself. He has all wisdom, knowledge, and all power, while man, man is nothing but dust. Steven Curtis Chapman put it this way in one of his songs, “God Is God And I Am Not.”
TEXT: ROMANS 11:33-36; PSALM 103:13-22
INTRODUCTION: In our Scripture verses this morning we see God comparing man with Himself. He has all wisdom, knowledge, and all power, while man, man is nothing but dust. Steven Curtis Chapman put it this way in one of his songs, “God Is God And I Am Not.”
Although that may seem obvious to us when we hear it stated, I believe we need to be reminded of this fact because I think sometimes we forget. Why do I say this? Because man has lowered God to nothing but a glorified man and has elevated himself to a supreme being worthy of honor and glory.
Voltaire put it this way; “God created man in His image, and man returned the favor.”
Many through the ages and many in our day have claimed to be God, or a god. The Caesar’ and other rulers through the ages have claimed divinity. Religious leaders have claimed to be God on earth. Many have claimed to be Jesus Christ.
Many people today, even those who call themselves Christians have forgotten who God really is. Their God is not the God that the Bible tells us He is.
Man is incomparable to God Almighty and always will be, we need to remember this. This morning I want to look at who God is and what He can do, compared to who man is and what he cannot do.
Chorus from song: "God is God and I am not. I can only see a part of the picture He’s painting. God is God and I am man. So I’ll never understand it all. For only God is God."
There are many who claim to have the ability to predict the future. I’m sure you have all heard about Miss. Cleo on the physic hot line. She is supposed to be able to tell you what is going on in your life and what is going to happen. That is if you have the money to find out.
She and the company she works for have been under investigation. I know that this will come as a shock to you but the investigators found out that people really didn’t receive a free reading like they advertised. They claimed that your call was made with a toll free number but didn’t disclose that the service is accessed through 900 numbers.
They would keep people on the phone by putting them on hold, talking to them longer than the supposed free time, and if the operators let people off too soon, they were fired quickly.
Florida authorities have a separate lawsuit challenging “Miss Cleo,” (Youree Dell Harris), to prove that she really is a renowned shaman from Jamaica. A shaman is a medicine man, high priest, witch doctor, priest – magician.
I believe that part of the word shaman fits her and that is “sham” which means a fraud; deception, false, pretended. She is nothing but a con-artist.
Then we have horoscopes. I looked up the horoscope section in the “Chicago Sun Times.” There are two horoscope writers. One is named Joyce Jillson, the other Sydney Omarr.
Here is a sample of what Sydney Omarr writes to those of us who are supposedly under the sign of Gemini.
“Ideas could result in profitable enterprises.” (WOW! Isn’t that an example of incredible physic powers?) “Flirtation more serious than expected.” (I guess you could take this a couple of ways. I take it to mean that if I flirted with another woman and only expected to get the cold silent treatment from my wife, I would end up six feet under, which probably is true.)
Then Joyce Jillson writes: “Loving relationships are highlighted, especially those with close friends. Family members need encouragement and attention.”
Then if you are so amazed at the accuracy of these “physics” you are given the opportunity to call for a personal reading. At the bottom of the horoscope page this is written. Joyce Jillson personal horoscope: 99 cents a minute. J. J. live astrologer: $3.99 per minute. The same for Omarr.
These things are so general that they could be applied very easily to almost any situation. Yet people fall for horoscopes, physic hotlines, card readers, crystal ball readers all the time. And they are taken for a lot of money in these shams because that’s the bottom line for these people, money.
Now that is not to say that Satan cannot use people to tell them their past and even maybe some of their future, notice I said some. Satan may have limited general insights but he surely doesn’t know all.
His physics are better at telling your past than predicting your future because Satan has his demons watching us all the time. They know what you have been through even what you’ve done that no one else knows about. They’ve seen it so they can pass that knowledge on to the physics.