
Summary: God loves us and His eyes are on the righteous. The prayers of the righteous are answered. How to become righteous

“God is Closer Than You Think”

February 4, 2007

“For The Eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."

2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJV

"The Eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth." Psalm 34:15-16 NKJV

Friday morning I was frantic. I had lost my cell phone. I went down to the church and looked around back where I had brought in some firewood. It wasn’t there. I checked my office. Maybe I laid it on my desk. It wasn’t there. Maybe it was someplace at home. I called my cell phone number hoping Julie would pick it up. She didn’t. When I called the home phone, Julie said it wasn’t anywhere around. I wasted a lot of my morning worrying about that silly phone. Thoughts of, “I should have taken that insurance out!” came to mind.

I decided I better pray. I said, “Lord, I need a little help. Help me find my phone.” I decided to call one more time. Someone answered! It was a waitress at the Black Bear Diner! My phone had fallen off when I scooted off the booth when I left the night before. I quickly drove down to the diner and retrieved my phone.

Coincidence? Luck? Chance? I don’t think so. I believe that God heard my prayer and answered it. I believe that His eyes are always on me. The Scripture says:

"But the Eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love." Psalm 33:18 NIV

There are two key elements here. First, the revelation. The revelation is that God’s eyes are on those who fear, or trust in Him. God is revealing, through His Word that eyes are on you – if you trust in Him. Or in other words, if you fear Him or have respect for Him.

The second element in that verse if hope. The Biblical definition of hope is the trusting expectation that God will keep His Word. So the practical application of that verse is that we believe God’s eyes are on us; that He is aware of us. And secondly, our expectation is that God will act on our behalf because He loves us.

You can believe that or not. I believe that. I trust the truth of that revelation. And I act on it by praying. That process is called faith. The process, again, is: Revelation from God, which is His part. Our part is to believe, trust, and then act. I have proved that formula over and over again. And each time God answers my prayer I am blessed anew. It fills me with joy and wonder that He sees ME! That “I” am important to Him! That, this Great God of Creation, loves me and works on my behalf.

This morning, I want you to know that God loves you. His eyes are on you. He is aware of everything about you. Do you have some hidden sin you are struggling with? Jesus is aware of it. He understands what you are going through – and loves you anyway. He longs to work on your behalf and help you break the hold that demon has on your soul.

Do you have deep inner pain in your soul that you have learned to hide away? Maybe something happened when you were young and wounded you so deeply that you have never recovered. Maybe it’s disappointments. Maybe it’s hopes that have been dashed to the ground. Hidden longings that have not been fulfilled? Expectations never fulfilled. Jesus knows all about that. His eyes are on you. And His love is unfailing. The first thing I want you to get from this message this morning is that God loves you and His eyes are on you. Another Scriptures says:

"For the Eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers...."

1 Peter 3:12 NKJV

There is something you need to notice about this revelation. Are His eyes on everyone? No. They are on the righteous. Is His ears open to every prayer? No. Only to the prayer of the righteous. David, the great king and friend of God said,

“If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. “ Psalm 66:18-19

The 2nd truth to get in that verse is that if our relationship with the Lord is one of disobedience and rebellion, God will not hear our prayers. When we walk with the Lord it is kind of like He has an umbrella that protects us from the attacks of Satan. The bible says Satan fires burning brands at us. Jesus protects us when we walk within the umbrella of His protection. But when we rebel or wander off for one reason or another – we get out from under His protection.

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Sally Ladoux

commented on Feb 6, 2007

You have such a wonderful way of sharing His inspired word...causing us to look within ourselves. As we remain focused on Him it's in our weaknesses we find Him as our strength...only by His grace. Thank you Lord, thank you. I loved it - all of it!

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