
Summary: God is able

Ephesians is addressed to a group of believers who need to know more about the knowledge of their blessings in Christ, in chapter 3:20,thApostle Paul tells them that God is able to do above all that we think or ask. What I God able to do, (first, second, third) He is able to help you through every

1. Storm.

What is God able to do, He is able to help you through every storm, no matter how hard the wind is blowing, no matter how high the waves may be, or no matter how much waerr is filling you boat in life, God is able! Remember the words of Gen 18:14, "s there anything too hard for the Lord?" What is God able to help you through, He's able to help you through every storm.

2. Sorrow.

What is God able to do, He's able to help you through every sorrow you face in life, it may be a divorce, it might be the death of a loved one, or some other disappointment. Don't forget the words of He 4:15, that we have a High Priest who is able to sympathize with us. What is God able to do, He is able to help us with every sorrow,, let us go boldly to the throne of grace!

3. Situation.

What is God able to do, He's able to help you through every difficulty, decision, or when you don't know what to do. Remember what it say's in Mk 10:27, "with God all things are possible". What is God abl to do, He's able to help you through every situation.

Concl: What are you facing in your life, remember God I able!


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