
Summary: Do you believe that your God is able to meet your needs and care for your life? Is your God trapped in a box that you attempt to keep Him in? Normal is what you do everyday- God is bigger than that!

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God is able

Ephesians chapter 3:14-20


The title of the sermon this morning is God is able. I purposely did not finish that sentence. I want you to finish it this morning.

God is able…to meet all my needs according to His riches in glory.

God is able… to change circumstances, to change so and so heart.

God is able… to make my dreams (and name it to yourself this morning) come to pass.

You are going to find out some things about yourself.

Do you believe God is able to meet your needs?

Do you believe that God can and wants to change circumstances and certain people’s heart.

Do you believe that God loves you enough to be active in your life?

Normal is what we do every day. That is why it is normal.

That is why normal is not the same for each one of us.

We do different things and we have different expectations of what should happen in our day.

For some of us- nothing happening is what we desire, and if that happens we are okay with that.

For others- if nothing would happen, we would be discouraged, because we want something to happen.

Life in a box is not where God works from. (Head in the sand)

Normal may be comfortable, but God does not usually work there. (Doing the same things and expecting a different outcome)

You cannot put God in a box and expect God to stay there.

You cannot live in a box and expect God to use you outside of your own created box.

The text this morning will cause you to go beyond your limits and your boundaries.

Some will have a breakthrough and some will remain in their boundaries.

You get to decide which one you want for your life.

Ephesians 3:14-3:20 Read from Bible

This is Paul praying for the Ephesian church.

I taught this text before, but I want you to see something new this morning.

God wants you out of your box! Period! (v10-12) tells us what God intends through his people.

“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Some of you are not dreaming big enough! Get God out of the box and you will see Him do tremendous things!

Some of you are just dreamers. You have and know what God wants to do, He has shown you. You are not willing to do it.

Some of you are content just waiting for the Jesus bus to come sweep you off to heaven and your sitting at the bus stop waiting.

There are three areas of your life that have to be given over to the Lord for you to be successful in your kingdom journey.

3 B’s if you will:



Become (repeat)

We are going to look at each one for a minute.

I. Believe (write it down)

Belief is a funny thing. You really don’t know if you have it until you exercise it.

Your faith get’s tested in your trials.

Your faith is strengthened or weakened by how you react.

I cannot give you faith.

Mark 8

1000’s of people were around Jesus, they haven’t eaten for days and Jesus is not willing to send them away as the disciples wanted to do.

Paraphrased (v5) what do you have? They answer 5 loaves and two fish. (a little boy’s lunch)

Jesus tells them to get the bag, have the crowd sit down, Jesus prayed over the meal and everyone was fed.

Do you believe that? Is your God that big? Seriously! Is your God that Big!

Luke 5

A man with leprosy falls on his face before Jesus yelling, ”Lord, if you are willing; you can make me clean.”

Do you have enough faith to fall at Jesus feet and wait for His answer of I am willing-be clean?

Is that your God?

God takes what we have and what you make available to Him and multiplies and blesses and uses it for His honor and glory.

Do you believe in God? Good. Did you know that God believes in you?


Hold your fingers up and make the okay sign. Do you believe that I can poke my head through that circle? Do you believe it? Move hand that fingers are placed okay near your forehead and with your other hand poke your forehead.

What seems impossible- God can find a way!

Apostle Paul prays here that :

We may be strengthened with power by the Holy Spirit

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