
Summary: God looks past the sin and looks at the sinner.

God hates the sin, but loves the sinner!

John 8:1-11

The preacher said turn to the person next to you and ask them if they are saved. So the little boy turn to the man next to him and said,"Are you saved?" The man replied,"Son I’ve been a deacon in this church for 35 years!" The boy said, "It don’t matter what you’ve done God will forgive you!"

Verse 1-3-The law was it was punishable by death, but only if two people witnessed the act.

It takes two too tango!

How long do you think they stood out there to watch?

Verse 4-6-Look at them, trying to out think God!

If Jesus said, "Let her go." Then He would be breaking a law given by God to Moses.

If He said, "Stone her!" Then all that teaching about love was just a bunch of words.

Verse 6-7-Writing in the sand-What was He writing? Maybe He was writing their names?

He looked them square in the eyes.

The eyes are the window of the soul.

Have you ever had your parents looking at you? It seems they are looking right through you!

Remember the Lord looked at Peter, when Peter had betrayed Him.

He asked a question! And made a statement!

Verse 8-He wrote in the sand again! What is he writing this time? Maybe beside their names, He is writing their girlfriend’s names or their sins!

Verse 9-We all have to stand before Christ, we all have to answer to Him.

There was this preacher once who during and Easter service, when he gave the invitation a wine-o made his way to to the front. The preacher just knew he was coming down to ask for money. The wine-o reach for his hand and pulled the preacher close, the preacher could smell the wine and the smell of urine on the man, you could tell he hadn’t had a bath in a long time. The wine-o said, "I want to ask this Jesus in my heart that you have been talking about." The preacher said that he realized right there what we must smell like to God even with our good deeds. The preacher began to weep for what he had thought and for not seeing a person in need of Christ but only seeing a wine-o. The preacher told the wine-o what he had been thinking and the wine-o began to encourage the preacher as the preacher lead him in the sinners prayer.

A young lady indulged in a worldly pleasure against which her church covenant spoke, and upon which many Christians look with disfavor. In time, the matter came to the attention of the deacons’ board. One of the deacons, who was notoriously close-fisted, giving little for the support of the church or for missions, wanted the name of the young woman to be dropped from the church roll. O thers urged a conciliatory attitude. Finally, the pastor was asked to express himself. Said he, seriously, "Since this unpleasant situation has been brought to our attention, I am requesting that you not make an example solely of this woman. I request that the treasurer of the church be summoned to appear before this body, and that we go over the record of each member, and that all those guilty of the sin of covetousness be forthrightly turned out of the church!"

What a bombshell did the pastor throw into the midst of that meeting! All got on their knees and prayed earnestly for the offending young woman. Later she was visted by the pastor and won to a life of utter dedication to God.

Told by Dr. George W. Truett

We should be compassionate to the lost, because we know how it feels, wondering if anybody cares, is there any ryhme or reason to this world, is the whole world against me, and being accepted just as we are.

Verse 11-Go and sin no more-A prophecy.

She didn’t want to sin any more because she had found more love and more understanding than any man had ever given her.

She found what true love is!

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