God Has A Need For Us
Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Combining faith with works
As the saved children of God, we believe, know and understand that God saved us because of his grace, mercy and love for us. Paul instructs Timothy and each of us in 2 Timothy 1:9, “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” Paul is telling us that God saved us and has chosen to call us the children of God. God did not do this because of anything we have done, do, or even will do. God saved us because there is a great need for each of us.
Nevertheless, because of our sins, we become unusable to God. These sins or our spiritual warfare against God caused a great dividing chasm to separate us from His presence. By the word of God, we will be judged guilty and sentenced to death. The Scriptures loudly states in Ezekiel 17:25, ‘The soul that sinneth shall surely die.’ Because each of us were born in sin and continues to sin, we stand before a righteous God clothed in our unrighteousness. Because of this unrighteousness, we are unusable to God.
Nevertheless, these sins and our unrighteousness cannot change the fact that God has created us for a purpose. Our divine purpose is to be the only representation of God on the face of this biosphere. God created us in His image and His likeness. Although, covered in the unrighteousness of our sins, God created us to be just like him. God created us this way because there is a great need for us. This need is the work that God has assigned to us to do.
Therefore, God permanently removed the stain of our sin and unrighteousness. The shedding of the blood of Jesus removed our unrighteousness. God forgave our sins because of Jesus’ death upon the cross on Golgotha Hill. This vital sacrifice of one perfect life for billions of sinners was a very high price for God to pay. Nevertheless, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. He stood on the cross at Calvary to save us because there is a great need for us.
Let us not get fooled into believing that all we have to do as the children of God is go to our church buildings on Sunday and praise God. We must stop being content with just being bible toting children of God. God is calling for every save child of God to grow up on the wonderful nourishing milk of the gospel. However, once we are strong, we are to develop into the image of God. We should strive to grow into the mighty men and women of God. As the men and women of God and the disciples of Jesus, the Christ, we will grow into our calling and continue to do the work that God has assigned to us to do. However, this work is not what will save us. The work that we are to do is our living testimonies to his mercy and grace.
What will save us is our faith in what God has done already to save us. What will save us is the statement of God that He does not desire to see any of us perishes. For God loved us so much that He gave his only begotten son. Who ever believes on Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life. This is what we can believe and this is what will save us. The results of our salvation should spark the need for us to work. Jesus still is ordering us out on the battlefield of our turbulent times. He continues to call out, “Go therefore into the highways and the byways and compel them to come.” It is time to go to work. The fields are white for the harvest. There are souls to be saved and many lives to be rebuilt. Come, let us go to work and do are part.