
Summary: Continuing in the series on Romans. It examines God's freedom to choose a people, and individuals. It examines God's choice of Israel and briefly brushes predestination.

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Romans 9 God’s Work in Israel and You

We are at an interesting, and to some, a frightening time in the history of the world. We look at what is going on in the middle east, and we look in our Bibles and we wonder, “Is this it? Is this the end? Is this the beginning of the end?”

We look at what is happening in Israel, and we hear conflicting reports about the fault of Israel, and the fault of the nations around them, and the terrorist organization Hamas. In our country and around the world, attacks on Jews have increased. Thousands are protesting in London.

In our own country, Jewish students have been forced to hide in a library building, in fear of their lives, because of “protesting” students opposed to Israel defending herself. New York City protestors damaged police cars, block the Brooklyn Bridge and call for the end of the state of Israel.

Wednesday evening 2 apparently Middle Eastern men chased groups of Jewish teens through a park on 4 different occasions. Last Saturday, a man stabbed and killed a 6 year old Muslim boy and injured his mother in Chicago, in an apparent hate crime. In the mean time, rockets continuously pour down on Israel from Gaza, while Lebanon, and Qatar attack as well.

It is this setting that we find ourselves, in our study of Romans, at Romans chapter 9. In this chapter, the promises and plans of God are under examination. Some in the church are beginning to question the way God is working.

When Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, the church was undergoing a transition. The demographics of the church are changing.

If you remember, when the early church started, it was made up almost entirely of Jews. The church was started in Jerusalem. Almost all of the early converts were jews. Now, however, the largest portion of the church are gentiles. There are now more gentile believers in Jesus than Jewish, and that number is growing daily.

The jewish people, as a nation have rejected Jesus. The other nations are embracing Him. So, a question arises. Has God rejected Israel? That brings us to chapter 9. This is a new section in Romans.

So, section 1 of this chapter covers Israel’s election.

- Read Romans 9:1-5

I. The Election of Israel

As I read this passage, can’t you feel the heart of Paul for his people, for fellow Jews? In verse 3 he says he wished he could be cut off from Christ on behalf of the Jews. Can you imagine? What parent hasn’t wished to trade places with a sick or dying child, wishing they could take that child’s pain and sorrow? What husband ha not wished he could trade places with his sick or ailing spouse, wanting to take their pain and suffering?

But here Paul takes it to a different level. He says, “I wish I could trade my salvation for their’s”. My word. I can’t say I’d be willing to do that for someone else. But Paul’s grief over his Christ-rejecting people is so great that he says, “I wish I could trade places with them so that they might be saved!” No wonder God used him in such a great way. He loved his people.

Elsewhere Paul said, “I have become all things to all people so that by all means I may win some.” In many of our churches today people are offended when someone sits in their usual seat.

Paul says, “I’d be willing to trade my salvation if only it could mean that more of them might be saved.

If only more of God’s people were marked by an intense love for their brothers and sisters. Jesus said, “By this may all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another./‘

Lord, give us more folks who love folks, and give us more loving hearts.

In this passage Paul, with his heart breaking for his nation, mentions a number of advantages his people enjoy.

Look there again please at verse 4.

- Read vs 4

1. They are adopted

There is no other nation in the world that can claim that. Israel, as a nation was adopted as a beloved son by God.

2. They have the glory - What other nation in the history of the world can say that they have seen the glory of God? What other nation in the world can say they had the glory of God in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night, lead them and guide them?

My word, when I get up in the morning I often have a certain idea of what I’d like to do or what I plan to do that day, but those plans are so often changed. The Israelites in the wilderness could step outside their tents in the morning and say, “The glory has risen and is beginning to move, we’ll be moving today.”

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