God Gave Us A Perfect Heart; He Is Able To Keep It Perfect.
Contributed by David Leach on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In order to receive a new, perfect heart we must be made clean from all our past sins:
God gave us a Perfect Heart; He is able to keep it perfect
In order to receive a new, perfect heart we must be made clean from all our past sins:
Ezek 36:25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean...
What is this clean water that cleanses us from all our past sins? The word of God:
Eph 5:26 That he might....cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, KJV
John 15:3 Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
What part do we play? We believe God’s words. With what part of us? With our hearts:
Eph 1:13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation...
Rom 10:10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness (cleansed from sin),
At the moment we are cleansed from sin we are given a new heart, that is, a new spirit:
Ezek 36:26 I will give you a new heart; put a new spirit within you...
This is the new birth, our heart or spirit is re-created, made over and is brand new. Who created it? God. If He created this new heart how do we describe it? It’s perfect:
2 Cor 5:17-18 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed
away; behold, all things have become new...all things are of God...
Eph 4:24 ...The new man (the new heart), which after God is created in
KJV righteousness (no sin) and true holiness (holiness means it is perfect).
Ps 101:2 ...I will walk within my house (of flesh) with a perfect heart...
When I’m born again God gives me a perfect heart, there is nothing imperfect about it. It’s a brand new creation by God Who cannot create anything that isn’t perfect. But what about the rest of me, my outer or human nature? That is still unclean, contaminated with sin and imperfect. So now I have two natures that ere in conflict:
Rom 7:17-18 (written by a Christian) ...It is sin that dwells in me. For I know that in
Me, that is, in my flesh (my human nature), nothing good dwells...
Gal 5:17 For what our human nature wants is opposed to what our spirit wants,
and what our spirit wants is opposed to what our human nature wants. These two forces within us are constantly fighting each other to win control over us, (over our will or soul) and our wishes are never free from their pressures. TEV/TLB
Has God made a way to keep our hearts perfect? Yes, Christ the perfect One lives there:
Our new and perfect hearts have the ability to think and to believe, as distinct from our
heads or intellects. They can either believe good, that is of God, thoughts, or evil, that
is not of God, thoughts. Our hearts are our new nature, how we continue to believe in them determines who we really are. God wants to fill our hearts with His Spirit, which is the Spirit of peace, so He can keep our hearts perfect as we let Him rule our thoughts.
Prov 23:7 For as he thinks (and believes) in his heart, so is he...(for good or evil)
Col 3:15 Let the peace of God rule, act as umpire continually in your hearts
AMP deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds;
1 Cor 12:3 ...No one can say that Jesus is Lord (and ruling) but by the Holy Spirit.
Rom 14:17 The kingdom of God is...peace...in the Holy Spirit.
Phil 4:7 God's peace (His Spirit), which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus. TEV
When our hearts stay under the continuing influence, rule, of the Holy Spirit, meaning we continue to obey all His leadings, they are kept clean and perfect and joined to Christ. And they ever continue to receive and believe more of the seeds of God’s word.
Luke 8:15 The ones (seeds of more of God’s words) that fell on the good ground
are those who, having heard the word with a beautiful and good (perfect) heart, keep it (believe and do it) and bear fruit with patience.
Eph 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith (as you keep believing)
Col 1:28 Him (Christ, the living word) we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
1 Cor 6:17 He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him (the perfect One).
This new and perfect heart, given by God to every born again Christian, as it continues to be ruled by God’s perfect Spirit, and continues to think on more of God’s perfect thoughts which are His living words, is kept perfect. It remains joined to and one with the perfect One, Jesus Christ and has His meekness, a willingness to hear and to do God’s will. In this state, it is not capable of being corrupted with sin. This perfect spirit remains in submission to the Father who birthed it, and so is very precious in His sight: