God Dreams Over You
Contributed by Andrew Huson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To give an understanding of God’s dream over lives.
God Dreams Over You
Thankfulness to those who gave to send a student to YC
-Exciting time in the lives of many of our students
-Exciting time for me (3 years I’ve seen teens saved, filled)
-I was able to witness the moment that 4 of our young people went forward and with tears in their eyes received God’s call on their lives to ministry
I don’t take that moment lightly
-Ten years ago @ 16 @ YC that God placed a call on my life into ministry
-It was at that moment that I realized God has a plan for me
That God has a dream over my life
-Do you know what? The same is true of each of these students that went forward
-God has a dream for their lives
-God dreams over them
God dreams over you
Tell your neighbor
God dreams over you
Like a father dreams over his son or daughter-God dreams over your life
I dream over my son’s life
Watching election coverage
-One day Judah’s going to be president – yea
-One step further I AM GOING TO BE PRESIDENT
Scott Palmer’s story
My heart broke last week when a Young Man in our youth told me his story
-Name is Scott
-When he was born Scott’s mom and his dad where not married-Scott was a mistake
-Scott’s dad was a skinhead who molested and abused Scott until at the age of 7 when his dad got so angry that he tried to kill his mom.
-His mom ran away and spent the next several years hiding from his dad.
-At the age of 8 Scott began to steal and got involved with gangs.
-He showed me his arms where he has scraped into his flesh gang nation.
-Scott has been in and out of jail so many times he can’t count.
-He spent several years living on the streets in Seattle as a teen.
-Scott only has a 3rd grade education. Can hardly read or write. It’s often hard to even understand him when he talks.
Scott now lives with his mom and his new step dad here in Oakdale. His mom has congestive heart failure and isn’t expected to live. Todd has narrowing veins going to his eyes and the doctors tell him he is only going to have his sight for 5 more years.
While I was talking to Scott he lifted up his shirt and showed me where he had stabbed himself several times trying to end the pain he feels. He showed me the cuts on his arms, which he has inflicted in order to dull his pain. One year ago Scott walked into this sanctuary and sitting right here gave his life to the Lord. Scott has done drugs all his life. Two weeks ago he told me that when he asked Jesus into his heart he no longer does drugs, he no longer cuts himself. This young man cant read his Bible, hardly knows who Jesus is or what he did on the cross. He’s been beaten, bruised, and tormented, has been told he’s worthless, a looser. And according to the world’s standards will never amount to more then a criminal I BELIEVE GOD STILL HAS A DREAM FOR SCOTT
Our God has big dreams for my life-YOUR LIFE
This morning I want us to look at God the dreamer
There are four lessons I want us to learn about God the dreamer using four different people in the Bible
Our 1st Lesson comes from the lives of Abraham and Sarah
Lesson # 1 Your never to old to accomplish what God has for you
Find Someone over 50 and tell them
Joke-If the pilgrims were still around what would they be known for-there age
Genesis 12:1-3 God lays out his dream for Abraham when he tells him: Get out of your country, from your family and your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
Genesis 15:5-Look now toward heaven and count the stars if you are able to number them. So shall your descendants be.
God had a dream for Abraham
-Abraham would be the founder, the patriarch, of a great Jewish nation-the people of God
-As the patriarch Abraham would be the beginning of the line of David from which would come the Messiah
God had a dream for Abraham
-the only thing this dream required was children