
Summary: God is still speaking to us today. Here are some of my experiences.

“God DOES Still Speak Today”

Exodus 3

1 Samuel 3

Don’t you wish God would speak to us like that today? The fact is that God speaking in such a spectacular way was highly unusual even in that day. When we read about it in the Bible it appears that God is talking like that all the time. But that isn’t true. It was very rare that God spoke to an individual in such an astounding way. Having said that – I think God still speaks to His people today. I think God still speaks in similar ways today at times – but it is rare.

In my life I have experience God speaking clearly in a similar way very rarely. The first time was when I was a boy – living in the mountains of Montana. It was August 17 at 11:37 pm in southwestern Montana, United States. The 1959 quake was the strongest and deadliest earthquake to hit Montana. When it hit we all ran outside and the ground was moving like waves on the ocean. It was unreal. After the worst was over, we kids went to bed. I slept peacefully until I woke up wide awake. I felt someone watching me. As I looked to the foot of my bed I saw a huge man – which I knew was an angel watching over me with an intent look of concern. I was so scared I covered my head with my sheets and in a sweat never looked up for what seemed hours. I finally fell asleep and in the morning told my mother about the angel visit. Later, when went outside we saw a boulder about the size of a car had rolled off the mountain headed straight for our cabin. There was one lone tree behind the cabin and the boulder hit it and ricocheted off just missing us. The angel didn’t speak but it was the first time I experienced, to my knowledge, divine intervention.

The second divine experience was when I was in Korea, in 1968 or 69. I had been living a sinful and godless life. I came back from the village early one morning after partying hard that night. Before going to bed I headed for the latrine which was about a block away. In good spirits I staggered toward the building when I heard a voice that penetrated my entire being. It was only one word – my name – Andy. It had such love and compassion and disappointment in it. I knew it was a divine voice. At first I thought it was my grandmother who had died that year. Later, I came to realize it was God. He knew what I was to become and the way I was living was very disappointing to Him. Did it change me? No. But God communicated His love and compassion for me.

The third experience was when I was called to preach. I can hardly explain it but I knew God was calling me to be a pastor. First, I ignored it. But the feeling got stronger and my mind became filled with messages from God – sermons to preach and teach. I resisted. I told God I was too shy. I couldn’t speak to 3 or 4 people much less a whole room full of people. The calling got louder and louder until I said, “Stop! I am not going to be a preacher!” I learned that when you say no to God in any area – you are being disobedient. God’s blessing left me and my life fell apart. I blamed God. I was so angry at God. The fourth time was when I was backslidden. I came to realize that my troubles were not of God’s making but from my and other’s choices. But I was too proud to admit wrong doing. I was too stubborn to apologize to God. Then I heard a voice. It seemed to come from everywhere and I heard it, not with my ears, but with my whole being. He said, “Andy, if you don’t come back to me now you never will.”

I fell on my knees with my couch for an altar and told God I was too weak to be a Christian. I knew I couldn’t live a godly life. I tried and I failed. I told God that I would try with everything I had – knowing it would not be enough to succeed and if I failed it would be His fault. That was about 50 years ago. I can testify that His grace is sufficient.

God rarely speaks in that soft, loving voice that seems to come from everywhere at the same time which you hear with your entire body and not just your ears – but He does speak all the time. I think He speaks in a spectacular way to the immature and the baby Christian. As we mature we walk by faith and don’t need God to hold our hands and speak to us is spectacular ways. But He does communicate to us every day.

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