God Does Not Lie
Contributed by Dean Morgan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: My assignment is to deliver the Word and let you take action upon the Word. You are the recipient who will hear the Word of God. What you do with that Word will be up to you.
TEXT: Numbers 23:19
No special healing evangelist has been called in tonight to pray for the sick. I am here as a messenger to deliver the Word of God. My assignment tonight is not to try and explain to you why some ore healed and some or not. My assignment is to deliver the Word and let you take action upon the Word. You are the recipient who will hear the Word of God. What you do with that Word will be up to you. You can let the Word pass through your brain or you can choose to believe it and act upon it.
The one thing I invite you to do tonight is listen, hear, take to heart what God’s Word, not mine has to say about healing.
Context: Balak the king of Moab sought Balaam out to curse Israel. This verse comes in the midst of his second prophecy to bless Israel and not curse them. Balak thought that God would change His mind if he kept on but God was determined not to curse but bless Israel.
It is in the context of this story that God lets Balak know that He is not about to reverse His Word. Balak thought that if Balaam would look at things from a different vantage point that God would change His mind.
So it is with us, God is not going to reverse His Word about healing. I know we can’t believe what God has said at times but we need to accept that God has not lied and God is not going to change His mind on what he has said. No matter from what vantage point you look at His Word what He has said will not be changed.
The NIV reads: God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind.”
The Contemporary English Version (CEV): “God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.”
If God didn’t mean what He spoke through His Word, then He wouldn’t have said it.
If God didn’t mean what He said, then He wouldn’t have preserved it in His Word which we call the “Holy Bible.”
Why would God tell us something that He didn’t mean?
Why would God want to lie to us? What would He have gained by lying to us?
Not only that, but when God tells you something He doesn’t change His mind and say, “I didn’t really mean it.”’
God means every word that is in the Bible.
Here is one way to express faith: Faith is expecting God to do what you know He has said in His Word that He will do. Faith is believing that God did not lie.
God has never asked that we exercise faith for something that He has not promised to do for us in His Word.
Always remember: God never asks us to believe He will do something for us unless He first promises to do it. Because of this fact, Paul has stated, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Faith does not come by hearing good testimonies or by praying; it comes from hearing the Word of God.
The only way for your child to know that they would receive a new car tomorrow is for you to promise it to them. They believe that you will not fail to keep your word; yet there is the possibility that you could be killed before tomorrow, or that you may have lied to them. But not so with the Lord.
Before any of us can have faith for the healing of our body, we must be rid of all uncertainty concerning God’s will in the matter. Appropriating faith cannot go beyond one’s knowledge of the revealed will of God.
Before attempting to exercise faith for healing, we must know what the Scriptures plainly teach; we need to know that it is just as much God’s will to heal the body as it is His will to heal the soul…It is only by knowing what God promises what you are seeking that all uncertainty can be removed and a steadfast faith is made possible.
His promises are each a revelation of what God is eager to do for us. Until we know what God’s Word says about a matter, there is nothing to base our faith on.
In the parable of the sower Jesus showed us that the Word of God is the seed. It is the seed of divine life. Until the person seeking healing is sure from God’s Word that it is God’s will to heal him/her, he is trying to reap a harvest where there is no seed planted. It would be impossible for a farmer to have faith for a harvest before he was sure the seed had been planted. What we want to do tonight is plant the seed of God’s Word in your heart, water it and watch it grow before we leave here.