
Summary: God created fish and birds to teach us about His infinite wisdom and glory. We can learn life changing wisdom by studying fish and birds. God designed some animals as prophetic Types to teach us important spiritual lessons

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Genesis 1:20-23 Day 5: God Creates Sea Life & Fowl

“& God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature (Heb. = living soul) that hath life, & fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. (21) & God created great whales, & every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, & every winged fowl after his kind: & God saw that it was good. (Why good? Rom. 1:19-20). (22) & God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, & multiply, & fill the waters in the seas, & let fowl multiply in the earth. (23) & the evening & the morning were the 5th day.” (Gen. 1:20-23)


1. Every Living creature in the waters (salt & fresh) (Ps. 104: 25-26). God Emphasizes Great whales (Hebrew = tanniym) [also dragons; Ps. 74:13; Isa. 27:1; & monsters Lam. 4:3; & serpent Ex. 7:9-10]

2. Every winged fowl


1. To teach us wisdom by revealing the infinite attributes, wisdom &

glory of God (Job 39, 40, 41; Ps. 33:6-9; Isa. 40:26, 31; Rom. 1:19-20)

2. Designed as metaphors to reveal spiritual truths so as to stir the

heart & convict the conscience (i.e. 2 Sam. 12:1-7; Job 12:7-9; Deut. 23:18; 2Pet. 2:22;John 10:11-14). Some people are swine (pigs); strong as an ox; sly as a fox (Lk. 13:22). People can act like “brute beasts” (2 Pet. 2:12; Jude 1:10); God “roars like a lion” (Joel 3:16; Jer. 25:30-31)

3. Designed as “Types”: A type is “a shadow, cast by Divine design, of good things to come” & not the very image of the things (Heb. 10:1; 8:5; 9:9, 11). The Holy Spirit reveals the glory of Christ designed into the O.T. Types to transform our lives (2 Cor. 3:18)

Some animals are designed to prefigure N.T. redemptive truth.

Jesus is our “Passover Lamb” (I Cor. 5:7; Exodus 12; Isa. 53:7). Oh! How understanding the “Types” like “the Lamb of God” transforms our life (John 1:29, 36; Heb. 10:14; Genesis 22:8)!


To be wise we must learn God’s biblical use & definition for a word. Whales [tanniym]: is an important “Type” in Scripture.

“In that day the LORD with his sore & great & strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; & he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea” (Isa 27:1).

Dragon here is ‘tanniym’ & is one with the serpent & leviathan. They are All Types of satan in the Bible (Job 41:1, 34; Ezek. 32:2; Rev. 12:9)

We must resist the Devil (I Pet. 5:8-9)


“...he spake of beasts, & of fowl, & of creeping things, & of fish” (I King 4:33) whose creation by God is revealed in Genesis 1. “And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon” (I King 4:29-34)

Discovering Divine wisdom in God’s Works of creation is life changing. We will focus on Whales & Birds in this study.


The Wonders of Whales are a Major Problem for the irrational theories ‘imagined’ by evolutionists. The complex uniqueness of Whales makes it impossible to have evolved little by little, slowly, over time from a small land mammal! Their respiratory & reproductive systems, eating habits, size, special skin, ability to deep dive, ability to produce music! Etc., etc., etc. all so complex & unique! The Blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived. So we’re confronted with a Scientific Law: “Law of cause & effect:” It is the most universal & most certain of all laws. “Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect.” The effect is never greater than the cause. There are

only 2 possibilities for the “Cause” of Whales. 1. They Evolved from indohyus, pakicetus, ambulocetus, & rodhocetus by chance! Our last study revealed 3 of these have been exposed as false. A land animal, the size of a dog is not a great enough cause to lead to a Whale! It’s not science, its imagination! It robs God of His glory. 2. God Created whales on the 5th day designed for the ocean to reveal God’s Glory!

WONDERS OF WHALES [impossible for evolution to explain]

Whales can dive to 9800 feet & spend 1-2hr. Under water! Their muscles can store oxygen (the rete mirabile or miracle network). [When you read Jonah 2 its literal. His body died in the whale. His soul headed to hell under the deep (Ps. 69:14-5; Matt 12:40). Just as Jesus descended to hell before his resurrection (Eph 4:8-10)]. Baby blue whales weigh 8 tons at birth! The Only mammal born in ‘breech’ position. Some whales migrate 16,000 miles/yr.; Can maintain speed of 22mph. & maintain body temp. of 97.7F; Track their food with sonar; Ears are unique from all land mammals to hear under water; Each whale species identified by the spout of water when they breach (some 50ft. high). All evidence of Divine design

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