
Summary: GOD CREATED MAN TO BE THE CHILDREN OF GOD. God wants to spread His Word through us to the World. He wants to use the whole man, spirit, soul and body. To live in a relationship with our Heavenly Father we must desire to hear the WORD OF GOD We have up to

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Romans 8:14-8:18 (amp)

14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father! 16 The Spirit Himself [thus] testifies together with our own spirit, [assuring us] that we are children of God. 17 And if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory. 18 [But what of that?] For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us! 19 For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].

I. To live in a relationship with our Heavenly Father we must desire to hear the WORD OF GOD!

A. Verse 16, Gods spirit always bears witnessed with our spirit that we are His children.

B. Jesus said man should live by every word of God.

1.God never ceases speaking to us; we must listen to the voice of God through His Word.

2.We are like TV or radio receivers. God signals continue to broadcast to our spirits but we must tune in, we do this through hearing, knowing and believing the Word of God.

We have up to this point help open 20 Three Month Basic Bible Training Schools in the former USSR and have trained over 2,000 worker of which over 80% are in ministry. The classes I teach, I will have the class stand and say, "God give me ears to hear the Word of God, a mind to understand the Word of God, a heart to believe the Word of God and a month to speak the Word of God."

(1 The 5:23 (AMP) And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

C. Christ paid the price for the complete man. Spirit, Soul and Body.

(1 The 5:23 (AMP) And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

II. My body makes me conscious of the world around me

A. If we are walking down the street, how do people recognize us?

B. Do they know you by your spirit? No!

C. By your soul? No!

D. They recognize your body, which includes your face.

E. Our bodies are so wonderfully created. In each 24 hours the average adult body accomplishes much:

1. Your heart beats 103,689 times every 24 hours.

2. Your blood travels 168,000,000 miles every 24 hours.

3. You breathe 23,040 times every 24 hours.

4. You inhale 438 cubic feet of air every 24 hours.

5. You eat about 3 1/2 pounds of food every 24 hours.

6. You drink about 2.9 quarts of liquid every 24 hours.

7. You lose about a pound of waste every 24 hours.

8. You speak about 4,800 words every 24 hours.

9. You move 750 muscles every 24 hours.

10. Your nails grow .000046 inch every 24 hours.

11. You exercise 7,000,000 brain cells, it is no wonder you feel tired!

Psa 139:13-14 (AMP) For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well.

F. We were made by God, from out of the dust of the earth.

Gen 2:7 (AMP) Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being.

1. Your body contains about:

a. Enough iron to make a small nail.

b. Enough salt to fill an ordinary shaker.

c. Enough sugar to fill a small bowl.

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