
Summary: When you bless another, you add value to both your life and the other person. What does that “value” look like?


1. Definition, when you bless others you are asking God to add value or to prosper others.

2. To be successful in your Christian life, make everything and everyone you touch a little better.

3. You will be successful in your job if you will master these five principles of blessing others.


1. You begin to bless others when you value them.

2. You bless others when you initiate faith in them.

3. You bless others by making yourself valuable to them.

4. You bless others when you know and relate to their needs and desires.

5. You bless others when you help them fulfill God’s purpose in their life.


1. You begin to bless others when you value them.

a. The essence of Christianity is relationship, first you relate to God, then you relate to others.

b. People won’t go along with you, unless they can get along with you.

c. There is a motive for blessing others; you do it because you love them.

d. Blessing is the opposite of manipulation; i.e., using people, or stepping on them to get ahead. You cannot bless others for your selfish purpose.

e. Do you get more pleasure out of life by (1) helping others, or (2) defeating others?

f. When you get old, your greatest joy will not be your victories, but the victories you helped others win.


1. You must add value to them before they will value you.

2. You must do something for them, before they will do something for you.

3. You must draw them to you, before you can bless them.

2. You bless others when you initiate faith in them.

a. You must give your faith to them to help them have more faith. Four men brought a cripple to Jesus, “When He (Jesus) saw their (4 men) faith . . .” (Mark 2:5).

b. People are always waiting for someone to believe in them. When you believe in them, it helps them believe in God.

c. God helps you see people for what they can become, not just for what they already are.

d. Every discouraged person needs someone with a “yes you can” attitude.

e. When they question God, give them confidence, when they doubt, give them security. When they can’t do something give them a way.


1. You don’t mind blessing others.

2. You get energy from blessing others.

3. You get satisfaction from blessing others.

4. You have a successful track record.

3. You bless others by making yourself valuable to them.

a. The better Christian you become, the more you can bless others. Therefore, you must be a life-long learner, to be able to bless others.

b. “Try not to become men of success, rather become men of value.” Albert Einstein.


1. People who belittle you.

2. People who discourage you.

3. People who criticize you.

4. People who don’t believe in you.

c. You cannot add value to people, and not have them drawn to you.

d. Even critics and complainers want someone to encourage them.

e. You must be for more things than you are against.


1. Their relationship with God.

2. A healthy relationship to others.

3. A purpose to live for and ultimately to die for.

4. Realization of some accomplishments in life.

5. A partnership they can trust.

4. You bless others when you know and relate to their needs and desires.

a. Look to find their agenda in life.

b. Ask questions and value their answers.

c. Always point them to God who adds value.

d. Tell them how God can add value to their life.

e. Pray for God’s blessing on them.

f. Put God’s Word upon them.

g. Point them to the way God blesses.

5. You bless others when you help them fulfill God’s purpose in their life.

a. Both are doing what God has called to do. “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it” (I Thess. 5:24)

b. Both are fulfilling spiritual gifts. “Every man hath his proper gift of God” (I Cor. 7:7).

c. Both are following God where He leads. “Come ye after Me, I will make you . . .” (Mark 1:17).

If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart:

Dear Lord, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and rose again the third day. I repent of my sins. By faith I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. You promised to save me, and I believe You, because You are God and cannot lie. I believe right now that the Lord Jesus is my personal Savior, and that all my sins are forgiven through His precious blood. I thank You, dear Lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Stephen Funderburk

commented on Jul 8, 2007

I am preaching on community and this is a great message on functioning within community. Thank you for these great thoughts, you are a blessing and have added value to my sermon

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