God And The Failed Plan Of Satan
Contributed by Apostle Tonya on Jul 12, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: The Plan of God to reconcile His Children back to Him through the Cross of Jesus Christ.
The Roman soldiers, Jewish leaders, the tree, the flagrum and the crown of thorns used against the Lord Jesus were all created by The Creator, His Father. Colossians 1:16
It is surely unimaginable to read in the Holy Bible of the audacity of satan to believe his conspiracy could destroy the Son of God. The brazen plot whereby included using the Father’s own Creation to kill His only Begotten Son, our Blessed Master, Who as the Scriptures recorded was there in the beginning is quite startling. John 1:1-3
The enemy even included in his wicked plot to steal the heart of thy Lord’s Disciple, Judas Iscariot and to use the weak Disciple to initiate the betrayal and rejection of thy Lord’s own. This, the enemy seemingly plotted to further cause our Blessed Master sorrow and great agony for the deceiver has always sought to steal covenants, love and destroy unity. This strategic move from the enemy; while it ultimately did not give him the victory it released a war within thy Lord’s Closest Confidant’s and Staff and tragically birthed in our Most Holy Lord’s Ministry the spirits of treachery and division.
Let us remember the enemy’s knowledge is limited and what he receiveth is what our Father allows. The Secrets of the Throne Room are not always revealed before its time. Surely, thy Lord is a most Mighty Powerful God and Strategist; no principality, power or being can outsmart our God!
The enemy can never hide his plots against us from our Omniscient all-Knowing God nor does he know of the Full Plan of thy Lord for us or of our victories already settled in Heaven. Amen.