
Summary: God knows we fail but loves us and does not give up; therefore we should not give up on ourselves

God Really Ain’t Surprised You Did It

by Joe Mack Cherry

I. Introduction

A. Sin

1. What is sin? I Jo. 3: 4 – transgression of the law.

2. What does it do?

a. Gen. 3: 23-34 (Adam & Eve)

b. Mt. 27: 36 (Jesus on the Cross)

c. Lk. 16: 19-31(Rich man & Lazarus)

3. How long? Mt. 25: 41 (Hell is eternal)

4. The cost of sin was Christ’s blood shed on Calvary.

B. God Ain’t Surprised That You Sin

1. Have you ever heard - "I can’t believe you did that!"

2. I Peter 1: 17-20

3. Rev.13: 8

II. Peter Is the Epitome of this Idea

A. Lk. 22: 31-32

1. This is the Peter that would deliver the first gospel sermon on Pentecost.

2. Notice – Jesus knows Peter will betray him.

3. Jesus preemptively prays for Peter’s faith to be restored.

4. Jesus tells Peter to strengthen the brethren upon his return.

B. Peter was penitent.

1. He wept bitterly.

2. Mt. 26: 75

3. Repeat – The same Peter who preached on the Day of Pentecost recorded in Acts 2.

III. Application

A. God promises forgiveness. Psa. 103:12

1. Removes our transgressions from us as far as the east is from west.

2. Vs. 14 & 15 – He knows who we are.

B. If God forgives us; we should forgive ourselves.

1. The guilt that brings us to our knees doesn’t need to keep us down there.

2. What if some of God’s chosen ones had harbored guilt.

a. Paul

b. David

c. Peter

3. We Must embrace God’s forgiveness and seek to regain the glory of our salvation.

a. Harboring guilt is a self inflicted wound.

b. Sin naturally separates us from God.

c. Self imposed guilt is the ghost of past sins that can separate us from God for no reason.

C. Peter is commanded to strengthen the brethren after his restoration.

1. As mentioned earlier, Peter had great tasks that lay before him.

2. This is so applicable to us; even tough we will not preach the first sermon or die hanging on a cross upside down.

D. We can strengthen others by our witness.

1. Part of the grace God gives us is the ability to move on if we will accept it.

2. Good things can come from our mistakes if we share with others.

a. “Bear ye one another’s burdens… Gal. 6: 2

b. “Laugh with those that laugh and weep with those that weep…

Rom. 12: 15

3. This is part of the idea that we in our weakness God makes us strong and anything can work for good to them that love the Lord.

IV. Closing

A. Do not let Satan convince you that you are no good or beyond help.

1. Ask for forgiveness

2. Forgive yourself

3. Strengthen the brethren

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