
Summary: We are often misunderstood in this life. Often as believers seeking to serve God, we are misunderstood. Sometimes we are even opposed by well-intentioned people. Now, when those people are member of our family, it makes it increasingly difficult.

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God’s Forever Family

Mark 3:31-35

31 Then His mother and His brothers arrived, and standing outside they sent word to Him and called Him.

32 A crowd was sitting around Him, and they said to Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are outside looking for You.”

33 Answering them, He said, “Who are My mother and My brothers?”

34 Looking about at those who were sitting around Him, He said, “Behold My mother and My brothers!

35 “For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:31-35)

We are often misunderstood in this life. Often as believers seeking to serve God, we are misunderstood. Sometimes we are even opposed by well-intentioned people. Now, when those people are member of our family, it makes it increasingly difficult.

Such was the case with Jesus. His ministry had stirred up the ire of the religious establishment. Radical things were being done, like healing the sick and casting out demons. Traditions of the elders were being openly flouted and Jesus was encountering serious opposition.

He had come back to the house in Capernaum which offered him hospitality. Concerned for His welfare and not understanding His ministry, His mother, brothers and sister had come to take Him home. They thought He was crazy. They didn’t understand In effect, they had come to the point of opposing His ministry. Think of it: Jesus’ own family standing against Him.

Now, we must remember that the average Jew respected the religious establishment which the scribes and Pharisees represented. And no doubt, Jesus’ family did as well. So they were naturally concerned about His behavior, and they were coming to try to bring Him back home.

No doubt, this was motivated by their love for Him. And this must have been difficult for Jesus. He could deal with the impure motives of the scribes. But here, His own family, in essence, was opposing Him out of their misguided love for Him. How would Jesus handle this?

Well, He handled it with sensitivity. And in doing so, taught us a valuable truth concerning the fellowship of believers called the Church.

Following Jesus is no guarantee that those who love you will understand. Sometimes, our own families can stand against us when we make a full-on commitment to follow Jesus. This is especially true when we begin to follow through on that commitment by our actions. It happened to Jesus; and it happens to us as well.

Our text today has several important lessons for us. We see in this passage of Scripture a new reality being presented to us. While our natural families may oppose us, there is a larger, spiritual family to which we belong, We see the Lord Jesus introducing to His disciples the concept of the family of God.

There is an undeniable truth that every believer is a part of God’s forever family. It is a concept which the Church needs to think through. There are implications in this principle which have potential to impact radically the way we live and relate in the Church of Jesus Christ.

As we hold this portion of God’s Holy Word before us, let us consider two important ideas upon which the light of God’s truth may shine. Firstly, the Church as family; and secondly, the family as Church.

The Church As Family

33 Answering them, He said, “Who are My mother and My brothers?” (v.33b)

I’m sure when Jesus spoke these words, He had everyone’s attention. They knew His mother and brothers and sister were outside on the edge of the crowd. They knew His family had come for Him. They also knew Jesus did not act in ways they could easily predict. He had said radical things before. What would He say now? I’m sure as these words came forth from Jesus’ lips, the murmuring of the crowd hushed and every ear was attentive to what He would say next.

34 Looking about at those who were sitting around Him, He said, “Behold My mother and My brothers!

35 “For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother.” (v. 34-35)

Jesus looked around Him at these disciples who were following Him. They were a motley crew. There was Levi, or Matthew, a former tax collector for Rome. There was Simon the Zealot who belonged to a political religious party dedicated to the overthrow of Rome. There were fishermen who educationally stood in marked contrast to the doctors of the law. But this diverse group had one thing in common. They had left their former way of life to follow Jesus.

So Jesus looks on them and say, "Behold, My mother and my brothers." He is saying, "This is My family." They are seeking to do God’s will. "For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother." Jesus says that those who follow Him are His brothers and sister and mother.

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