
Summary: Part 4 of a look through the book of Ephesians. As we see God's power and majesty.

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God’s Revelation

Ephesians 1:15-23

September 29, 2019

As most of you know this week, the democratic party is beginning the process of attempting to impeach President Trump. I am not, and let me repeat, I am not making a political statement about any of this.

What I want to say to get us going a little this morning is this - - “can any of you tell me the truth about what is happening in Washington D.C.?” I mean, does anyone know the entire story, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Sadly, we don’t, and we never will. We will hear a lot of spin doctoring by both sides, so that the public, you and I will hear what they want us to hear. And the media will portray what is happening according to their political leanings. We can all have our opinions, but our opinions really aren’t based on facts, just on opinions from those we listen to.

With that in mind, I want to talk about a different revelation. Not the revelation of political or social news, but the revelation of God, in Jesus Christ.

For the past few weeks, we’ve been looking at Ephesians 1, and today, we’re going to make it through the remainder of the chapter. In this section of scripture, Ephesians 1:15-23, Paul talks about the revelation of Jesus as our starting point.

If we are going to be followers, believers in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, then we need to have a clear understanding of who He is - and who we are in Christ.

If we don’t have a clear understanding, or at least a basic understanding of who Jesus is, then we can’t fully understand who Jesus is, nor can we really experience the power of God in our lives. We become ineffective and weak when it comes to knowing Him.

So, let’s look at what Paul is telling us as we move about through these verses. Paul prays for the people of Ephesus, writing - -

16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him,

When you say yes to Jesus, it means more than living by a set of rules and regulations. It’s more than a code of conduct. When we said yes, we enter into a relationship with Jesus. So, we need to realize and believe –

Jesus is not just our teacher, He is our Lord and Savior. He is not just powerful, He is All-Powerful. He’s not just wise, He’s All-Knowing. He isn’t just loving, He is Love.

When we connect to Jesus, we connect to the power above all powers. We're often held back by a limited view of who God is. It's really, really difficult to rise above your situation if you're not fully convinced that God is bigger than your situation.

It's impossible to experience power when the fear, doubt and sin are winning the battle. If you're not fully convinced that God has the power and the desire to deliver you from darkness, it’s going to be really tough to overcome the darkness.

It's impossible to experience the abundant life if you're not fully convinced that Jesus came to give you abundant life. In order to fully experience God, you have to know Him.

So, Paul prays that God, the Father of glory, would give the people spiritual wisdom and an understanding of who Christ is.

Paul prays that we might understand His power. He wrote in 1:19 –

19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His great might

Paul talks about the immeasurable greatness of Jesus power toward us who believe. That’s so cool! Think about what God is telling us. When we stop and think about it, do we really comprehend what is the God’s power. It’s immeasurable. We can’t quantify it, we can’t measure it, we can’t figure it out. His power and greatness is above our ability to comprehend.

This is why the resurrection is so powerful. Because the one thing that no person can conquer, Jesus has conquered. The resurrection is the greatest miracle of all, because not only does it prove that Jesus is who He said He was, it proves that He has power that no one else has.

Whatever it is that is creating craziness in your life, know they are not the ultimate power. They can't control life and death. Only Jesus can. Some of you believe that your life is subject to the power of the economy, or the power of your employer, or the power of public opinion, or the power of the government or political enemies — none of these have power over death.

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