
Summary: A message about how to persevere in the storms of life and see the God's faithfulness for those who believe.

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God’s Faithfulness in the Storm

Good Morning

Stand with me and lift your bible and repeat after me.

This is my Bible.

I am what it says I am.

I can do what it says I can do.

I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be.

Today I will learn more of the word of God.

The indestructible, never ending, living word Of God.

I will never be the same.

I will never be the same.

In Jesus Name


Before you sit down, say good morning to your brothers and sisters.

God’s Faithfulness in the Storm. Psalm 46:1-3

Jesus is with us, even in the storms of life, providing strength and peace.


Recognizing Life’s Storms

How many storms have we faced in our lives?

What kind of storm do we face in life?

These storms can be anything from personal struggles, health crises, financial hardships, family issues, or global uncertainty.

Just as the disciples were caught in a literal storm on the Sea of Galilee, we too can feel tossed by forces beyond our control. In these times, it’s easy to feel alone, afraid, and without hope.

Today, we’ll explore how God remains faithful in our storms, and we’ll see how Jesus invites us to trust Him, even when life feels overwhelming.

Turn in your Bibles to Psalm 46 and say, "Amen" when you are there.

1: God is Our Refuge and Strength (Psalm 46:1-3)

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way, and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.”

Understanding God’s Refuge:

A refuge is a place of safety, a shelter in times of trouble. God doesn’t promise a storm-free life, but He does promise to be our shelter and strength in every circumstance.

God isn’t distant or indifferent to our struggles. He is with us, fully aware of our fears and needs. The “ever-present” phrase reminds us that God’s faithfulness doesn’t waver; He is constantly present and ready to help.

It’s human to be afraid in a storm, but when we recognize God as our refuge, we can choose faith over fear. Like David, we can confidently say, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me” (Psalm 23:4).

Spend some time and reflect on what it means to take refuge in God. When challenges arise, instead of running to temporary comforts or distractions, seek His presence. Spend time in prayer, worship, and Scripture. Let Him be the One you turn to for peace and strength.

2: Jesus Meets Us in the Midst of the Storm (Matthew 14:22-27)

“Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake… But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’”

In Matthew 14, Jesus sent the disciples ahead in the boat while He went to pray. When He saw them struggling in the storm, He came to them, walking on water. This moment shows us that Jesus sees our struggles, even when it feels like He’s far away.

When the disciples saw Jesus, they were terrified, thinking He was a ghost. Sometimes, we’re so overwhelmed by fear that we can’t recognize God’s presence in our lives. But Jesus reassured them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Jesus walked on water, demonstrating His power over nature and the storm. Nothing is impossible for Him, and no storm is too big for Him to calm.

When fear clouds our vision, we can trust that Jesus is nearby. He’s not only watching; He’s walking toward us, inviting us to recognize Him and take courage.

3: Trusting Jesus Enough to Step Out (Matthew 14:28-31)

“‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’ ‘Come,’ He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”

Peter wanted to be with Jesus, even if it meant stepping into the storm. It took incredible faith to step out of the boat, but Peter trusted Jesus enough to believe He would sustain him.

As Peter walked on the water, he began to notice the wind and waves, and he started to sink. When we take our eyes off Jesus and focus on the storm, we become overwhelmed. But even then, Jesus reaches out to save us.

Jesus lovingly questioned Peter’s doubt. It wasn’t to condemn him but to remind him that faith isn’t about the size of the storm—it’s about who we’re trusting in.

Ask yourself, “Where is Jesus calling me to step out in faith?”

Like Peter, you might feel afraid but remember that faith requires stepping beyond your comfort zone. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and trust that He’ll sustain you, even when the waves feel overwhelming.

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