
Summary: People live in one of three ways: artificial, superficial and sacrificial.

People live in one of three ways:

Artificially, no reality in their lives. Just like artificial flowers, beautiful, without life, giving strength to no ne. Just an attraction. All make believe. Like TV

Superficially, a deceptive life. It is like veneer furniture. It appears genuine or real, but it isn’t. It is shallow. Jesus called these people hypocrites.

Sacrificially, It is an unpopular life, but it is genuine and powerful. It is a life given to the Lord. Tanding the test. Life is give to others. It comes by walking in Jesus steps. They consider themselves last.

I. Sacrificial Life is Scriptural

1. Contrary to natural, Philippians 2:21

a. For all seek their own and not the things of Christ.

b. The word condemns selfishness.

c. Isaiah 53:6, we have turned ever man to his own way.

2. The word approves self-denial, Luke 9:23

a. Don’t’ call this man a fool.

b. He is living according to God’s Word.

3. Jesus lived a sacrificial life, Matthew 20:28.

a. His life was contrary to business and profession.

b. It was a life given to and for others.

4. Jesus warned His recruits of some hardships ahead.

a. It was not going to be a popular life.

b. Matthew 10:34-39, Luke 9:57-62

c. Luke 14:25-27

d. They were going to be homeless and persecuted.

e. There would be disappointments.

f. Life of Christ was a life of poverty.

5. Dead to self, alive in Christ.

a. Romans 6:11

b. I die daily.

c. We are killed all the day long.

II. Sacrificial Life Expresses itself In Service

1. Luke 22:26-27, 2 Timothy 1:3

2. Service always to God, Followers of God.

3. 1 Corinthians 3:3-4, sign of carnality, we make too much of men.

4. Service to God keeps you faithful.

5. Prevents hurt feelings.

6. Keeps Power of Christ flowing to you.

7. Services to others.

a. The heart of sin is self.

b. Self must die.

c. Not how much can I get, but how much can I give.

8. It cures despondency.

a. Try visiting the sick, betrayed, disheartened, and lonely.

b. Fires of hope and love will be kindled in your own heart.

c. Service opens doors.

d. It is your own fault if you are not busy. There is plenty to do.

III. Sacrificial Life Brings the Deepest Satisfaction

1. Must know we are saved.

a. Based on the word of God.

b. 1 John 5:13

2. Must put God first, others second, yourself last.

3. Satisfaction in death.

a. 2 Timothy 4: 6-7

4. Satisfaction hereafter, henceforth

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