
Summary: 247 million Americans call themselves Christians yet Jesus calls us to be disciples. What is a disciple and what are the cost and sacrifices to be disciple. (Taken from a series by Pastor Craig Groeschel of

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War is a horrible business- Iraq/Afghanistan.

If I was president- country w/army- 10,000 men going to war- country w/army of 20,000 men,

I would stop/consider- cost to win such a war.

There would be great lost of life- many would die.

Paul is talking w/Timothy about his walk w/God …

2 Tim 2:3 Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. NASU

Paul indicates- disciples are soldiers in God’s army and we are in a spiritual battle- real life/death war.

As the president of a country would count the cost to go to war, we must count the cost to be a disciple.

I have been teaching a series on being a Disciple.

What is a disciple?

Lk 14:26-27

A true disciple must change the way they live.


1st week we saw that disciples …

touch lepers,

befriend prostitutes,

offend Pharisees.

2nd week we looked at how disciples …

fish for men, disciples make disciples, and- follow Jesus w/unquestioning obedience and

absolute abandonment.

3rd week we discovered that disciples …

wash smelly feet.

Jesus came to serve … Why are we here?

Are we here to serve or to be served?

4th week we learned- disciples break bread together

A disciple does not just have a personal relationship with Jesus- He has a shared relationship w/Jesus.

We are called to live a shared life together.

Conclude the series this week

If I knew I was going to die and I was asked …

What would be the last thing you would say to the church before your died?

What would I say? Better yet lets look at some of Jesus last words to the church before He died.

Someone recite for me Mtt 28:19- what does it mean?

Mtt 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Go- to travel, to depart, take a walk/journey.

Jesus last words to His disciples … GO OUT.

Much of our Christian church life involves coming into a place and trying to get the world to come.

What Jesus instructed His disciples to do was GO OUT into the world w/message of the Kingdom.

In today’s church language we call that Missions.

Mtt 10:1, 5

Sent Out- set apart or to send out on a mission.

We talked about- difference between the way we use the word Christian/Jesus used the word disciple.

I see a Christian as one who goes a Mission trip.

However a disciple is not one who goes on Mission trip, he is a missionary- a man on a mission.

A disciple might take a mission trip, but the difference is that they see that their life is a mission for God.

The disciple sees the people around him as people to love and share the Kingdom of God with.

Disciples are missionaries …

they are people on a mission

empowered by Jesus,

to take the Gospel into the world, because …

life is not about us.

Rom 15:1-3

1 Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.

2 Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification.

3 For even Christ did not please Himself …

What do these verses mean to us as disciples?


Two thoughts about Sent Ones …

1. The message they carry is simple

Mtt 10:7

Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the Kingdom of heaven- that is who He was and is.

Jesus said … as you go, share with people about Me.

1 Cor 1:22-24

The entire Gospel is wrapped up in Jesus Christ.

The message of the Kingdom is not meant to be a feel good or a positive thinking message. (Craig Groeschel)

We are a sinful people, separated from a Holy God.

God so loves us- sent Jesus on the first mission trip.

He came to earth to give Himself for us-to give us life

(A planet inhabited entirely by vicious dogs)

We are made right w/God- not by religion/works, but by faith- and even that faith is given to us by God.

Eph 2:8-9

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. NASU

The thought of sharing the message of the Kingdom with other people, terrifies most of us.

What fears do you have about talking w/others?

What are we going to say? What if they ask questions we cannot answer?

The disciples had the same concerns …

Mtt 10:17-20

Powerful word- if God loved us so much to give us faith for salvation, He can give us words to speak.

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